Park Yong Ji

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Nostalgia ;)

Sea Salt Ice-Cream

Tuesday 16 March 2010

#Sound – 01 – Kagamine Len and Rin: Magnet

#Sound – 01 – Kagamine Len and Rin: Magnet

My surname ended with Kagamine – do you know what that means? It’s mean mirror and for some reason I met someone that has the same surname as I do but it’s very much irony that we loves the same thing. Know how much this possibly be happening, when I myself don’t know if it was.
In how much we expected in our life for the present and the future, there is always bound to be somewhere in the universe that there would be someone exactly like ourselves. And happened to me – where I bumped into him. How much I looked at him, in how much he does; moves and act, just so resemblance towards me. How is this possibly that somehow I looked through myself standing in front of me when it was the opposite gender of myself.
I am a she and he is a he.
Have you ever imagine this happen to your life? When I thought I would be unique for some reason, for being the only one different to others, I was wrong. I am not predictable – so does he.
In everything I do, he’s somehow done the same thing as I do. When my favorite color is yellow, it’s his as well. What I done, it has outcome to him as well.


Since I met him, in my life, it just burst into coincidence – not just one time but mostly everyday we bumped with the most same thing we have done. Weird? I named it bizarre, but...I already get used to it since we have been together for so long that I couldn’t remember it.
Since then, we have done things together; go somewhere together and just everything – everything we did all ended with togetherness. We’re never was blood related and people assumed we’re twins because at what we have in ourselves and life. Irony, people never thought of us anything else but twin.

Question that has really wondered me ---
If this is reality, am I on my own fantasy of life?
I see someone that I can relate too. If this is one in a million chances, am I consider to be as the lucky one? Am I?
I could never get the answer.

“Len...” – Rin.

They walked to the park together with hands connected to each other. When others saw them holding hands together, they couldn’t took their eyes away from them and was in awed with their resemblance looked. With his ice cream he held with his other hand; slowly he turned his head facing Rin with such no clue in his looks.

“Len...” – Rin, once again she called his name.

This time, he heard and slowly he moved the ice cream away from his face.

“Rin?” – Len. He continued as he putted his index finger on his lips; “I felt so sticky after I putted my finger on my lips. It must be from the ice cream I just ate. And Rin, yes?”
“Len, Luka and Miku have sung their version of Magnet.” – Rin.
“And...You wanted us to do our version of Magnet?” – Len.

Rin nodded but no continuation from Len. He continued eating the ice cream. Rin still waiting for Len answered but he just kept silent but it wasn’t long enough when Len spoken up.

“Just for you, we should do it.” – Len. Rin jumped with such happiness when Len gave the green light for them to do their version of Magnet. Right away, she hugged him tight.
“Len, you are the best.” – Rin.
“But of course, we need new outfits by the way. Our current one in what we wear now, it would not suit for our version of Magnet.” – Len.
“And of course, yellow is a must.” – Rin, she smiled. Len smiled back to her and he nodded in agreeing.

Rin started to get hyped, that moment she paced her steps forward whilst pulled Len along with her. She looked very happy and it made him happier with this.

Another huge step for them in challenging with their vocals – it’s always the main point.
Another time spending with each other in every way – they are illegally one.

They are together but they are neither a twin nor a lover. They are just Rin and Len – a mirror to each other self’s.
Len is someone Rin should be aware that he is nothing but her own self in different form, so that he can fully be existed just to be together with her.
Something just somehow, somewhere in the universe that what impossible might become possible.
Rin might not expect of this but Len does. What might be happening next?
The question might not have the answer until whenever because life of Kagamine’s getting interesting.

Vocaloid Watermelon, click please.


I am obsessed to Vocaloid and mostly my favorite is the Kaganime; Len and Rin.
They are my favorites and yesterday I officially love the Magnet version of Kaganime’s.
I love these two very much because illegally love.
I’ll be ranting about this tomorrow and not in this part of the post.
Be prepare...and be aware. :D

#Sound – 01 – Kagamine Len and Rin

- Owner;
JunJ ---
March 15th of 2010.

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