Park Yong Ji

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Nostalgia ;)

Sea Salt Ice-Cream

Thursday 1 April 2010

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I wondered...
If I am a toy vinyl maker like those bearbrick...then maybe I am going to make my own emo one.
LOL, yeah. But hey, I am not an emo though, just that when I played around with the SP-Studio, I made these cute emo SP version. ROBL
That’s why this idea of mine came through. I just said; it’s a maybe....
Oh well, dream may come true one day. I would love too. Fuh, it would be epic when it comes true.
It’s like...when you passing through a toys store, and you saw your masterpiece sold in the glass window, wouldn’t that like hella exciting?
Man!! That would be so-so-so win!!
I would be smiling so widely that I might face would be aching majorly!! Wawawa, imagine it will cramp 24/7, ain’t funny at all. LOL

And this below might be my special one since it’s the crossover one. ROBL
What a dream ~

I miss my love; I miss my eonnie and kuma-kuma... D:
So badly...

Ja ne ~

Now smiles, don’t keep that face frowning 24/7.
It’s not that healthy.

- Owner;

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I have a watermelon

watermelon nom-chii