Park Yong Ji

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Nostalgia ;)

Sea Salt Ice-Cream

Sunday 4 April 2010

{ MOD POST } Clique

{ Clique }

You’re a piece of banana!!
I eat you and poof!! You’re gone.
That’s like how peoples are nowadays.
People come and go.
Old will be forgotten and new will be the main subject.

People meet with one and another, some may like and dislike.
With huge crowd, one may have made clique existed and disregard the others and move on.
People intend to talk and be friends with the other people that are similar with each others.
They may talk the same thing over and over again making them as their fad.
But one question lies – a whole group talking about the same thing over and over again, others that not into you may seems to like it from the outside, but mentally inside they don’t like it.
Only just cause of one talk what they like, others just want to be keeping in touch and play along so they wouldn’t be left out.
But at what others didn’t knew that some may feel sick over the same thing they fad over with. Because of this, that person will be silent and sooner or later, this person will be forgotten and faded from their life and conversation.
Until when one day, one may appear, they would ask the same question they asked before; “What is your name?”
This kind – the history, it may be repeated at what others has done due to the clique they have made. It is so much like high school, where the popular, nerds, athletics etc-etc and so on – there are no differences in this at with what I have stated.
You may like it or not, but because of all this drama, I am sick of myself and wanted to be away from everything. On the mean time trying to rest myself from all of this, I rather go out and have a very good fresh air.
Things outside – the real world, it’s the best thing ever instead of being in that place 24/7.
I have life.
I don’t want to be sick from being mentally tired from all of those.
You may don’t know at what I am writing here, but if you understand at what I am talking and sending the message here, you are much wiser do understand.
I may have twisted my sentence and you may don’t understand at what I am writing here, but as long as you got the point, then yes.

But sooner or later, one day, I wouldn’t be able to access the internet when I am very hectic and busy with my life. And slowly with occupying myself, I will forgot about that place and move on with my life.
Even when that time hasn’t come yet, by now at this moment my head is already aching from all of the sick ugly drama.
For me, I may could not stand it quiet long and tolerate with this, but when it reach the severe state in your brain, you’ll know what I mean by that. Even so I am not reaching that state yet, but then one day I may if I kept on flowing with the sick drama. Before that happen, I don’t want to bother it or wait for it.
If being on a long break, it may less burden my tiredness from those dramas. I know I have been mentioning dramas too many times, but because of the dramas is what make me writing this.
Since then, that has been keeping me up and made me abandon my school work. I want my life back!!
But then, on the other hand I met wonderful people especially the first gens one. They are the one I love mostly but other than that, I may have to think twice.
By remembering them, it put a smile on my face.

And now, after my long hiatus, I am not quiet sure I want to be back to that forum or not. It depends – I don’t care if I got demoted or not, or maybe I should resign. I WAS about to resign myself there last years seeing that issue happened just because they doesn’t like being told. I only do my job.
But then, some was trying to stop me from doing that but then, now I made my mind only after August.
And Big Bang – they have been missing from the K-POP world too long already. If one said their comeback might be the end of this year, honestly, I couldn’t cope with that. I couldn’t stand that long anymore. I want them to comeback like how they erupt the K-POP World with their hit song LIES. That was the moment I missed so much. And also because of LIES, that song was the one who make me comeback loving them until now. But now....the question is; can I cope with them now? Yes, they have doing some photo shoot, touring, making single for Lollipop 2 etc-etc and all that. But what happened to the last message YGoon appa told us that their album will be around March?!! What happened!!? Delaying again?!! Where’s the promised, don’t make your empty promise to us fans.
If you said you’re going to release the album around March, do keep your words. Don’t put and give hopes major to us. We always believe you but please, at what you have promised to us.
We’re waiting for it.
But then, one VIP leaving the Big Bang, there will be no different. Beside, there are many loves for them and one leaving is no different.

I don’t want to rant anymore.
Just this... –Sighed–
On the other hand, I love my triplets and kuma-kuma.
And most of all, my most beloved hubby in the whole wide world. He shines my life. He’s my happiness.
None can take that away from me.
I love him lots and I couldn’t wait the day we go out. I want that and cannot wait. Soon ~

I’m hungry ~

Ja ~

Now smiles, don’t keep that face frowning 24/7.
It’s not that healthy.

- Owner;

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I have a watermelon

watermelon nom-chii