Park Yong Ji

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Nostalgia ;)

Sea Salt Ice-Cream

Thursday 1 April 2010

{ MOD POST } Boo...

{ Boo... }

Pictures = soon.

After at what happened today, the nerve!!
It just, so displeased in such major high level in so many ways. D:
It’s like, living in such a lie drama.

Macam...if orang bagi kau something, lepas tu another person asked you where you get it?
Its like, tahu kah or not dimana kite dapat benda tu since we don’t obtain it ourselves...
Macam, orang sedekah untuk kitane, then another person Tanya apa yang kite sedekah tu since someone did it for us, tahu ke kite dari mana datangnya?
No, right? Kesian...macam hidup dalam penipuan.
If adalah yang buat benda ni kat aku, pfft, pehal aku mahu terima since it’s not benda yang betul untuk di buat and since its not datang dari diri aku sendiri.
Of all things, I don’t want to tipu orang since they would percaya benda tu, right? Lebih-lebih lagi if diaorang tu rapat dengan kite. Aish....
Entahlah, plus kena paksa pulak tu, boo.
Eh, malas lah aku nak cakap pasal benda ni lagi, sakit hati jek dibuatnya.

I forgot what I wanted to post actually since too many distractions occurred towards me earlier.
That’s why I forgot what I wanted to write...bummer!!

Anyway, for my dinner I ate butter chicken. Yes, the dry version.
The wet version is buttermilk chicken.
And dear you my international friends, if you come to Brunei, I want you to eat a MUST dish here in Brunei which are ---
1. Butter Egg chicken (dry/wet kind)
2. Chicken chop
3. Ayam Masak Merah
4. Ayam Masak Kicap
5. Others aka which mean I am lazy to write more since it would be an endless long list. ROBL

Brick Brain and U-Soso irked me like major!!


-Angry spazz-ed-

Andrea, I love her so much.
She asked, if there’s anyway for her to hate G-Dragon. I would find it hard since he’s my idol, I couldn’t hate him.
Only when he does something worse, maybe I might.
But then, when that happening, it only happen otherwise where we support him.
Hard, so hard...really. LOL.
I told Andrea that we should make a fan letter to him stated “Why we couldn’t hate him...”
A question will always have an answer. The answer might be the reason that why we love him.
LOL, we might essay with and ended with many pages. ROBL. And Andrea thought of 100 pages. LOL
Imagine that G-Dragon read all of those in English all day-night long. I so can imagine it now. Bahahaha, going to be so epic!!

One day, I WILL quit K-POP fandom.
I don’t know why I said this, but day, this might happening to me.
Due to too much, overload which equal to TIRED!!
This maybe sound a bit disappointed for some people, but then if this happen, well.....
I am too tired, to know some people I like and dislikes and the dislikes one make me irked too much.
If wanted myself to love the K-POP back again, I need a music that make me want to dance with such active and lively kind of music.

I’m being bipolar lately towards that place. Hmm...Maybe because lots of FC were there?!!

I missed Sister Davies so much.
When oh when are they returning...!!?

My mind stated blank right now.
I don’t know what to write, rubbish maybe. D:
Oh well...

Is zipping mouth now...
Ja, oyasumi ~

And no, as much as you people love 2NE1, hell no I am so not loving them.
So yeah G-Dragon did ask for the VIPs to support them.
As much as he’s wanted VIPs to do that, excluded me like seriously.
As much as he’s the one called leadah, but hell no. Sorry oppa, but no thanks.
I am loyal to Big Bang and only will support you guys. Even so they are the female Big Bang, but hmph, NO!!
I don’t want to do that and fine, go ahead, bash-bash!! I’m stand with my mind!!
You people cannot brain wash me into liking them, try again. Maybe a 100 years from now it would work. Guess again, it WOULDN’T!!
La la la ~

Now smiles, don’t keep that face frowning 24/7.
It’s not that healthy.

- Owner;

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