Park Yong Ji

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Nostalgia ;)

Sea Salt Ice-Cream

Monday 15 March 2010

{ MOD POST } Mango

{ Mango }

Mango ---
It is one of my favorite’s fruits of all times. I love mango, who doesn’t, eii?
Other than mango, I love honeydew, Ichigo, watermelon, plum and well I couldn’t think of anymore.
But I dislike papaya and pineapple very much. D:
Pineapple I can understand why – well because it’s too sour and whenever I ate it before, I always ended up making sour lemon face. ==’’’ just so...ehhhhh!!
Datte, I couldn’t dig up the reason why I dislike papaya. :S
I love mango pudding, mango juice, mango yogurt drink, mango ice cream, mango just mango, shampoo with mango scent, shower get with mango scent, just name all...I love anything that INVOLVES mango!!
Sigh, I am in mango heaven, jangexy!!
I love mango lots, like seriously lots.
I have mentioned in my previous post that I drank such 100% pure Thailand mango juice, OMGD!! Divine!!
You can say I am addicted or obsessed to them, but yes true – I love them in my life. Mango is such divine fruits. *nodded*

For some reason, I am just very much angry to those nano. How dare the diss-ed the sbox, how dare they diss-ed the staff!!
And most importantly, how dare they ignore my eonnie when she came to the sbox not long ago.
I was so mad that I went on CAPS and called her name like major long then I spazz-ed and made the sbox stretched!!
Heh, serve them right!!
Pfftttt...Disliked it lots!!

Lil brother brought me Mc Donald and apparently they still ran out of Spicy Chicken Mc Donald and this hasn’t satisfy myself yet and I want to eat it!!
I am going to try next week and hopefully by next week, they already have restocked of em burger that I desire off. They better be!!
And later, I’ll be going out and going to eat Mee Mamak!! OMGD!! I am craving for that and later I can fulfill myself. Ho ho, jangexy!!

Anyway, I won’t write much this time.
And..........I below this – It is most likely the one that took a bit longer for me to edit it on the PS.
Fuh, kind of tiring though... T^T

- Click on the watermelon below for something special. ^.^ *wiggle eyebrows* -

Click this watermelon for spoilers

I have fries. :)
I’m kind of getting headache now, well, I’m going to end it here. :D
Is zipping mouth now.....
Ja oyasumi ~

I actually wanted to give some MV that I recommend you people to watch.
But then again, I am very tired from all of the editing this and that, so maybe next time would be. I think. :D

Now smiles, don’t keep that face frowning 24/7.
It’s not that healthy.

- Owner;

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I have a watermelon

watermelon nom-chii