Park Yong Ji

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Nostalgia ;)

Sea Salt Ice-Cream

Sunday 14 March 2010

{ MOD POST } 2PM Follow Your Soul

{ 2PM Follow Your Soul }

2PM Follow Your Soul ---
I don’t know it has MV for this song.
It just released today I guess so I checked it out right away.
OMGD!! The MV is so WIN!!
Who said they could not sing?!! I’m going to bite your head!! dsksjdjsrhsjfhjjeijrksns –Rabid mode– :@
You twiddledumdee!! LOL
The boys in the MV were very-very romantic. Zuto-zuto romanchiku!!
Taek oppa, he looks so calm moreover. ^.^ (I am somehow envy of his white teeth. I wish I can have his teeth. Ho ho, weird...I know. I am happy with that, ROBL!!)
Ahh, whoever gets these boys as their husband are very-very lucky. Of course I am included – I mean the happy part. :D
I am very much happy in my life, nothing just nothing gets any better when someone love you equally, ne? *wink-wink*
Now, I wanted my chunyuu and kuma-kuma to be as much happier as me. Ne, I wanted them to be happier than the sky can reach the stars (Make any nansensu? Dame? *chuckled*)
When they are happy, then I am happy. I love you guys. Yes, anata, I love you too. ^.^ Mostly!!

Okay, back to the MV.
It made me go “Awww” when I watched the MV just now.
Taek oppa was the most romanchiku one in the MV. In one part, started from 3:52. :D It’s getting better and better when he slowly lies down and put his head rested on the girl laps.
Ahh, suteki. Kawaiie desu...
And ahjusshi, I disagreed with you. Don’t speak about arrogant towards other people and you know that yourself, ne eonnie? D:

Oh, I am watching E.T but I wish to watch A.I again. I wish HBO somehow air it for sometimes?
And I wonder when?
No, I am not fully concentrate on the movie, because I kept on changing the channel, ho ho.

And, I wanted to watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button movie. I forgot the date when it air on HBO. Is it tonight or next week Sunday night? It kept on showing its commercial movie at HBO.
I am very much curious of that movie. His age is reversing, very weird, ehh?
I want to watch this movie. We didn’t watch at the cinema. Kekekeke.

In the near future, I will be getting these gadgets. It’s somehow to be dream of having such desire gadgets in my room. It would be awesometastic but ain’t awesome when I don’t have money to buy them.
Datte, one day for sure when I have enough sum, I will buy them – slowly by slowly. I don’t have to do it in such rushing, because the price would be decreasing by the times if you buy it late. *wink-wink*

They are ---
1. Wacom Bamboo Fun
2. SONY PSP – Spirited Green
3. Apple iPad

Yes, gadget freak alert, LOL.
But first, the most need is the number 1: Wacom Bamboo Fun, like major needing it.
Other than any from the list, I also desire of new laptop – Window 7, but it must be Nvidia!! Like my current laptop name Ji Yo, he’s Nvidia. :D
And oh, hard drive as well, apparently Ji Yo is drunk with less memory. Yes, because I kept on feeding him with pictures, MP3 and all the things that PS needed. I am crazy. *nodded*
If it is not this year, I might get PSP next year and YES!! I still want it in Spirited Green, ho ho.

I have the hence and I know from the beginning that Apple iPad would be hella expensive. If Apple iTouch was already expensive, why wouldn’t this one not be?
Crazy I tell you if it’s profitable. :S
I wish I have lots of money to buy them gadgets. -Sighed-

Click this watermelon for spoilers

I was talking with eonnie about if we’re rich...
I was like; “Eonnie, if we’re rich, I can run away for a vacation to your place.”
Well, yeah that what I would do if I have such money and Leeds would be the first place I would go then kidnapped the sister Davis then go to Cavite Philipines and kidnap Mico, of course my love is mostly tagging along. Then after everything is complete, we’ll go to Japan first – around April would do so we can attend Hanami matsuri. I want Taiyaki, hear me?!! Taiyaki!! Then later on, after spending much time in Nihon, we can go to Korea!!
Yeah, baby!! Korea!! I wish for this.
It’s just too awesome. I’m going to kidnap Jenny and Lily as well; these two killers are just so awesome. I love them.
Nano annoyed me. T^T

I played Cooking Mama 3 again earlier before I had my early lunch. Yes, I wanted to make the silver to be gold, because I somehow wanted everything to be a gold medal.
Demo ne, some of the recipes are somehow hard – the one I meant was the one that we have to mixture the spices. Ehh, it’s very hard, like seriously hard. I couldn’t get it right and I don’t know how to do it.
I tried many time but many time attempt was a fail!! How to do it? How to do?!!
I am wishing of Cooking Mama 4 and Gardening Mama 2. I have the feeling Majesco would make it.
Somehow it is very weird that I looked at both game price – N-DS and PSP – I wondered why until now that some of the PSP games are much cheaper than N-DS game. Weird, ehh?
I have compared both and yes, PSP games has price that are below B$40 but N-DS game only has above B$50. It’s like two major different.
And I have been bragging that WHY ETA doesn’t have membership until now? I think they should have one. ETA is like major game shop that I love to stop by and buying games from there, it’s so complete compare to other Brunei game shop, no offence. With the membership, customers that has member card could have discount for the games though. Ain’t that just so smexay? *nodded*
-Sighed- Every time we passed by that game store at Q-Lap Mall, they still played that FFXIII game for promotional. I hated it when I can’t play them. It’s like major point of mine that I wanted to play FFXIII. But then, by watching it – it can heal my desires slowly but I spazz-ed at the end. My love always pulled me forward but he failed to make move me away from seeing that game. ROBL. :P
Oh well, one day for sure day for sure!! Ahh, when that day come, I would be living happily – well of course, I got to own my own PS3 that moment, that’s why it is very much happy.

I need new wedges. :D –Chuckled–
And I want Alice outfit, every each one of them. Yes, Alice from Alice in Wonderland movie. Again, such genius you are Tim Burton, very much!! *clap hands*
Oh Hamish, Alice doesn’t want to marry you, don’t you realize that? Oh silly Hamish.
Hatter, in how much you love making hat, you ought to make one for Red Queen, yes?
Red Queen, you and your big head. How can people not realize of that with you bossy attitude?
LOL, my favorite line was; “Hello Um.” with such expression on Red Queen face. Priceless!! Not to mention her blue eye shadows, ROBL. Too appealing, LOL.

Speaking of eye shadows, I want to buy white eyeliner. :D

Tommy February6 has awesome voice and I adore her since the first time I watched her MV (Which I forgot which one already) and the anime her song as opening in the Paradise Kiss anime. It was awesome anime about fashion. And George is a girl magnet. It has been awhile I haven’t seen this anime, if not mistaken it has already been years I didn’t watch it. I should buy the DVD one though.
And this anime is perfect for such fashionista called G-Dragon. Don’t know who G-Dragon is?
Q: Who is G-Dragon?
A: He is an amazing leader of the Korean groups called Big Bang. He is also known as Kwon Ji Yong. His love for fashion is deep than anyone could be and also got sponsored by Louis Vuitton.
There, I think that is enough information and then again, go listen to their songs. It’s very much awesome and addicted. :D
If it is not enough, you can go google-ing about them, it’s a worth of it. :)
Anyway, back to Tommy February6, I’ll blog about her next time.
Ho ho ho.
And there are lots of new groups that has awesome music and voice, from underrated to overrated, it just too jangexy!!
Like for example, Korean female singer name DIA (That’s her stage name. :D), her song Another Boy, IT IS MY FAVORITE!! I love it lots.
I wish it has MV out of this song. I know it would be so EPIC!! For sure most definitely.
Now...when will Big Bang going to have their comeback stage?!! D:
YGoon appa, when?!! And yes, their album will be out somewhere March 2010, somehow that what YGoon appa has stated in his last message. Please appa, better make your promises, VIPs are dying with waiting. LOL kidding, that might be too dramatic, but yes seriously we could not wait. But we’ll wait...we’ll be a good VIPs and wait for it to come out. Ho ho.

I am feeling sleepy T^T
Is zipping mouth...
Ja ~

Now smiles, don’t keep that face frowning 24/7.
It’s not that healthy.

- Owner;

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