Park Yong Ji

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Nostalgia ;)

Sea Salt Ice-Cream

Friday 19 March 2010

{ MOD POST } Powdered Snow 粉雪

{ Powdered Snow 粉雪 }

Yesterday while waited for the parents, I went to their room and laid down on their bad like a little girl.
Of course, I am the only girl in the family. :D I love it of course but I am very much jealous of those peoples that have sisters.
Ehh, my lil brother, it has no where to go with him because I and he ain’t bother to go outing together except if we’re outside the country, well that make sense, ehh?
So back to the main point – laid on the bed, and watching and talking with the parents waited for them to go, then otousan was like --- “Obama cholesterol went high from 95 to 100++ because he loves to eat fast food.” --- Somehow like that. Then he was like; “Why don’t you go to the hospital and have a check up? Just like your mother there.”
So I went :S
Oh dear, hospital? Eeeeeeh.....daily appointment ehh, otousan? IIE!!
Well, I don’t know. I know if I go for a check up, I always been given that medicine like vitamin c and so. That I know, LOL.

Anyway.... I don’t know that Ar Tonelico game has second sequel named Ar Tonelico III: Sekai Shuuen no Hikigane ha Shoujo no Uta ga hiku/hajiku (The Girl's Melodies Which Repel the Trigger of the World's End or The Girl's Melodies Which Pull the Trigger of the World's End), when last night I by accident google-ed em up, that’s how I found about them. It’s for PS3!! Darn good!!
OMGD!! I was like *****************
The stars have no indicated in whatsoever. I just make it that way because its fun to hold shift+8, kekekekeke.
The graphics of the games are killer!!
As usual since the first one, it bound to have two girls and 1 guy as the hero. I love the first one better, because the girls are so cute. I forgot their name.
Ar Tonelico I
LOL, I just google-ed em up and they are Aurica, Misha, Shurelia and Claire. I like Misha more, because she’s cute with her blue-ish purple hair colors with her outfits and all that. Of course the games, all of their outfits are just dksahdeuahskdahsjdksjhdsa!!
But it seems that the Japanese seiyu for Aurica is Haruka Shimotsuki. I love her, she sang "Schwarzweiß: Kiri no Mukō ni Tsunagaru Sekai" - Atelier Iris: Grand Fantasm theme song. That’s my favorite OST ever!! Her voice is divinely wonderful!!
Irony...that these two girls in all of the three games, they bound to have one with light hair colors and one with dark hair colors. Notice that? I just notice, wow I am very slow. ROBL.
I never get the chance to finish the first one, ROBL.

Other than that, my favorites of course are Dark Cloud 2, Atelier Iris (I, II and III) and as well as Mana Khemia I and it has sequel too. :D
It has been awhile I didn’t play this games, I missed it though. I’ll play it next time and now I am somehow tired and hungry. I want to go back to sleep while waiting for something. Kekekeke.

Nano strike being nano again!!

I love Big Bang Emotion song.
I don’t like girl groups (Korea girl groups) especially THEM.
Some of them nano are very conceited, its make me annoyed. Tsk, it made me wanted to slap them with sticky notes!!
And I hated those people in that particular forum in how they used Livv for their self-important self.
And I have issue to those nano with them calling Minnie their eonnie. Ehh, I don’t like. Minnie doesn’t like it either.
I claimed my triplets, OKAY?!! You nano could never have them, NEVER!!


Konayuki ne ~
Ah-haaa ~

For more watermelon, click please

I love this song so much.
Does it remind you of Litres no Namida JDorama? Yes, it is.
This drama, the first drama that made me cried. And no, I never cry into a movie that is very sad. I don’t lie.
-Sighed- I love this drama very much. Aya was a very strong girl. I could never be like her. *nodded*
Watch this drama, I recommend to you of all people. Ho ho...
The best drama ever!!
I love it so much.
The saddest line was; “Okasan, would I ever marry?”
Something likes that, I forgot already since it has been awhile I didn’t watch that drama.
I’m going too, soon and not now. Hikhikhik.

Silly me, I just remembered what yuki is. LOL
And kona mean powder. :D
So that concluded powdered snow. Ho ho, yeah!!

Being a professional photography is fun.
They can take pictures of those idols, model and so on.
Fun, ehh? But it is also a stressful kind of thing. ROBL.
I mean, if you don’t get quiet the right pictures and kept on taking many times yet it’s fail as well, well that leads to anger, ROBL.
Stressful, ehh? Also don’t forget to put your patience pants, need lots of em.
And I am the impatience one; I might break the camera if I couldn’t get it right for many few times, LOL.

Know who G-Dragon reminds me of?
Inte. Inte, is not just a girl, she is Inte.
Why she reminds me of G-Dragon? Well she’s more likely to be his twin.
These two loves work more than anything. They love fashions. Yes, ART is fashion!!
What else I wanted to say is every aspect in G-Dragon, somehow Inte has it.
Well, yeah. She’s around BBVIP, she’s so cool. :D
And oh, she’s married to Teddy oppa. *wiggle eyebrows*

Chubby cheeks!!
*whistle innocent*
la la la ~

-Poke tummy-


I miss him
I miss her
I miss them


So much!!

Is zipping mouth now....
Ja ~

Now smiles, don’t keep that face frowning 24/7.
It’s not that healthy.

- Owner;

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