Park Yong Ji

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Nostalgia ;)

Sea Salt Ice-Cream

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Why it have to be you? - One Shoot

Why it have to be you? - One Shoot

When I woke up the next day, the first thing I knew was I found myself slept in someone car. Slowly I got up and looked around, shifted my eyes everywhere to observe where I was at. I wondered what I did last night that I couldn’t really remember it. Did I drunk or something for some reason? Because all I could think was nothing – blank and obviously my head went twirling and twirling.
I’m still thinking at what I have done last night and wait!! Whose car is this belonged to? Quickly I grabbed my bag and opened the door. As I stepped out from the car, there’s someone leaned his back to the car on the ground sitting. I glared at him, observed him for few minutes. When I realized I zone out of the reality, I snapped back from the fantasy.
I shake my head rapidly and quickly get myself up. Just as I was about to sneak my way out, I heard a voice calling my name – somehow. I stopped moving and turned my head around. My eyes became huge when his eyes looked straight to me. He slowly stood up and walked towards me. I stepped back away from him but he was too fast that I couldn’t escape myself. Oh great!!

“You, where do you think you’re going?” – ???
“W-Who are you?”
“You rather start an interview and ask me such question rather than saying thank you?” – ???
“I-I don’t know. I still feeling so queasy. My head rotated nonstop, I-I’m sorry.”

All of sudden, I fell sitting down on the floor. At what I saw right now, everything – my vision, it went twirling nonstop. Am I this sick? I don’t even know if I am. The next thing I knew, that mysterious person ran towards me and helped me standing up. Who’s he? Out of no reason, he picked me up and brought me back to the car. Slowly he putted me down sitting on the passenger back seat. He lowered his body down so he would be the same height as me.

“Now, little red cap, where do you think you’re going in that condition?” – ???. I looked at him puzzled. He continued; “Are you still sick?” I shake my head then he putted his hand on my forehead. “Hmm....your temperature is not high.” Then he patted my back a bit hard that I nearly choke the air.
“I’m alright. Somehow the dizziness wore off slowly.”
“Now tell me where’d you live? I’ll drive you home.” – ???. My eyes became huge as I gazed at him. He didn’t smile at all. “What? Is there something on my face?” He’s always with his gentle tone. The longer I stared at his face, the deeper I zone out. I snapped back to reality when he waved his hand to my face. “Little red cap, hey...are you alright?!!” I nodded my head. “Hmm...Are you sure? You looked paler than before.” He stood up all of sudden.
“Where are you going?”
“Hmm...I should take you home now.” – ???
“Ehh? No, I don’t think so it’s necessary.” He seems to ignore me and didn’t say anything at all.

Afterward, when he drove me home, on the way there was only silent between us. I didn’t even dare to say or ask anything since I don’t know him that much. To be honest, as far as I remember, he never appears in my life before this – only today when I woke up from that unconsciousness, I guess. He seems nice; he didn’t do anything when I was blackout. I guess this guy can be trusted or is it just another mask in one person?!!
Of all guy I have met before in my life, all of them have pretty good-looking face but somehow, they just acted nice and gentleman. They putted on mask so that they could attract girls but honestly, they’re just ugly – worst ever. What a lowlife and I couldn’t believe they were the peoples I got matched on a blind date by someone whom I know very close – closer than you can every think. What a pity life I got, ehh?
And all of those guy, it didn’t work out with me and all they ever wanted is to make out and sleep with them. As if I sell my body to them, that would just make me a slut and worst, I might wake up in the next day without clothes and they left me. Yes, I have been there and done that. Stupid, I guess. I must be gullible enough to fall for such a sweet talked from so called good-looking guy. But not anymore, that kind wouldn’t work with me anymore – I know much and I will never repeat the second mistake, again!!
I sighed heavily then I looked at this guy face. Very tall and good-looking, got a big bright teeth. Pretty much have a calm sweet face at the same time can be fierce when needed or have too. Hmm...His face, somehow it stated he’s the kind that is hard to get?!! Oh well, as long as he didn’t do anything to me when I was blackout, which would be fine with me.
I don’t get it, why every guy wanted to take an advantage on me and my body? Especially when I fall asleep, that’s the time they make a move and trying to rape me. I know one guy who has done this to me. Curse him. And he as well was the same guy that success in sleeping with me and left the next day. That moment, when I woke up, I found myself on a bed at the hotel being naked with only blanket covered my whole body.

The next thing I knew, we have arrived at my place. I snapped back to reality. I looked ahead and he went out of the car and the next thing he do, he opened the door for me. Just as I was about to stepped out from his car, he blocked me. What’s this?

“Little red cap, you’re home now.” – ???, he handed his hand at me. I hesitated and didn’t do anything. He realized about it and slowly took back his hand and shoved it into his jacket pocket. “Honestly, I never want to harm you in anyway.” I put myself up and asked him the truth at what happened to me last night.
“Can you be honest with me?” I asked and waited for his respond. It was silent when he didn’t answer my question right away but few minutes later, he opened his mouth.
“Somehow I found you being.........” – ???, he stopped and didn’t continue right away.
“What happened to me? Am I being brought to an alley by men again?!! Was that what happened?” If he says yes, most probably that always happened to me and I am not surprise. Somehow, in my life, I am the victim of being rape by older men or worst like what I said – being brought to the hotel sleeping with me without any clothes on. His face’s still calm – no expression at all. Is he a robot?
“Two older men, somehow they looked like middle age men that just got back from their work and were about to heading home. I was there passing by the alley and thought they’re just normal ones but when I saw you lied on the ground unconsciously and they’re about to take advantage of you. I quickly ran towards them before they could do anything.” – ???
“You’re the one that saved me?” I was shocked to hear this. This was the first time ever that someone would do this for me. I don’t know whether I am happy for this or either way since he knew some part of my life. I bet he would think I am just like those slut girls, but I’m not.
“Yes.” – ???
“......Thank you.” He smiled, for the first time ever.
“No problem.” – ???, slowly he stepped aside and finally he let me stood up. “You’re home now. Be careful and take care of yourself.” I bowed to him respected before he left. Before I went inside my house, he called me by the nickname he gave me and I don’t know why he called me that. “Little red cap...” I turned around and looked at him.
“If there’s by any chance, we’ll meet again one day.” – ???. I just threw him a smile and bowed at him respected afterward.


Month later –

Since that day, I never meet him nor bump into him anymore and since then, less bad thing happen to me. I felt so relief these past few days. No more being taken advantage, or being sleep with or being naked on a bed at some hotel. I am happy that didn’t happen to me these days. Now, I could smile to myself.
Now, I can go to college with happy feelings jumped around me. I somehow, this feelings make me having such optimistic attitude and thought, where for some reason I am looking forward for my classes. I am very happy today and nothing or no one can ruin this.
As I stepped into the class, everyone was looking at me oddly but seriously, I don’t care at all but to moved forward until I reach my desk. I putted down my bag and sat down on my chair. I didn’t do much today, but they still talking badly about me. They’re just wasted lots of saliva badmouthed me.
Being quiet in my desk reading the book, times flied so fast that the bell rang indicated the first class of the day’s starting. Whilst reading the book, I pay less attention in what happened around me but I heard footsteps getting closer and closer by the second. I was curious; slowly I putted down the book. My eyes shifted all over and there, I saw a tall guy stood way in front of the class, next to the lecturer desk. I couldn’t see his face since he backed his body from us. I kept on watching him scribbled something on the whiteboard.
Few seconds later, when he has done writing something on the whiteboard, he turned around and finally!! I could see his face. When he showed his face, I nearly drop the book. I was shocked to see the same guy that called me little red cape. Don’t tell me he’s the lectured for this class?!! He aware of me stared at him, so he planted a smile on his face. That moment, I grabbed my book and covered my face from a total embarrassment.
Later on, after the class has finished, one by one of the students walked out of the class headed to their next class. And I was the last person to pack my stuff. After I have done packing, I didn’t leave the class right away. I paced my steps toward him and stood right beside him whilst he’s busied with something else.

“I couldn’t believe we met again and surprised that you’re one of the lecturer of this horrid place.”
“Little red cape, just like what I said to you before – we’ll meet again one day.” – ???, he turned around and finally looked at my face. He smiled at me but I am too mad to put a smile on my face. “Now, what’s with the sulking face? Are you angry at me?” Then he observed me from bottom to top. “Hmm, then the name I have given you is not a waste after all.” I raised my left eyebrows and looked all curious at him.
“What do you mean not a waste after all?!!”
“Since I have been calling you little red cape just because you wore red clothes before, and now, no changes at all.” – ???, he smirked. He continued before I can say anything; “Do you like red that much?”
“I don’t know.” I shrugged since I knew that my whole closet is full with clothes that came in red colors. I didn’t even realize the entire time, I bought only red clothes. Just as I about to say something to him who’s so called my lecturer, a knocked on the door made the two of us turned our head around facing the door.
“Excuse me? Is this......” – ???, she didn’t finish her sentence the second she saw him. “Taek Yeon?” She knows him? I looked at my lecturer face, he seems happy. “I have been looking all over for you. You’re here the whole time.” She smiled at him. I think I should make my move, waiting here and listening to them talking is such a bother and wasting my time.
“Laura?” – Taek Yeon. She nodded gently.
“Yes, Taek. Ahh, don’t tell me you forgot all about me, ehh?” – Laura, she teased her and he laughed lightly.

Before anything get uglier or whatsoever, I better leave. Just as I about to step out from the class, he called me. I turned around and saw him pacing his steps.

“Where are you going? You and I are not finish yet.” – Taek Yeon. I looked at him dumbfounded.
“Yes.” – Taek Yeon. He turned his body around and looked at her. “Hey Laura, I’m sorry. I cannot go with you today; I have something up need to be done.” Laura threw a smile.
“I understand. It’s okay, a next time then.” – Laura.

A while later –

“Little red cape...” – Taek Yeon, he called me. I turned my head around and looked at him.
“Call me Rin.”
“Rin....” – Taek Yeon. He said my name with a little melody in between.
“You never told me your name.” I paused for a little then I continued after that; “Only when earlier that friend of yours said your name.”
“Ahh, alright. My name is Ohk Taek Yeon and I am 24 years old.” – Taek Yeon, he seriously introduced himself to me. I smiled a little.
“3 years apart.” I mumbled. But somehow he heard me as he leaned towards me from behind and whispered right to my ears.
“3 years? What do you mean by 3 years?” – Taek Yeon, he whispered. I jumped a bit but he caught me. “Whoah, be careful there. surprise so easily, huh?”
“Why did you do that?” I questioned him since he pop out just like that without my awareness.
“I did.....what?” – Taek Yeon.
“That!! Just now when you.....” I couldn’t finish my sentence. I startled.
“Did I shock your life?” – Taek Yeon.
“What do you mean?” Sometimes I don’t get this guy in what he’s saying. I couldn’t get through him, it’s like...there’s a barrier shielding him fully where none can surpass it.
“If I tell you, then you would know, yes?” – Taek Yeon.
“I don’t want to play anymore, I am so leaving.” Before I even can move my feet, he already grabbed me. I looked at him and he looked all concern.

“Don’t go.” – Taek Yeon.
“Because I don’t want you to leave.” – Taek Yeon.
“Why? There are probably many people that can accompany you. I don’t have to be me.”
“No, I don’t want anyone.” – Taek Yeon. I stared at him. “Please, stay with me for awhile?” I sighed lightly.
“Why do you want me? That friend of yours could do much better than me.”
“Laura? Her?!! She’s just an acquaintance. I never go with acquaintance in my life.” – Taek Yeon.
“And I am your student, did you ever think of that?”
“No. I never thought of you as my student. I met you for the first time was not between lecturer and student but between two people name Rin and Taek Yeon.” – Taek Yeon.
“That time was just a coincidence when you found me. It’s nothing more.”
“Do you think it was a coincidence? It wasn’t a coincidence.” – Taek Yeon.
“......Do you mean that you stalked me?!!”
“No.” – Taek Yeon.
“Then what would it be?”
“It was more than that. All along, I was there right beside you – only that’s you never notice me.” – Taek Yeon.
“How can I notice you when I don’t even know you!!?” I stood up right away. I can see his surprised looked on his face. “Why it have to be you?” I walked away without waiting for him to respond only when he called me by the name he given, I stopped moving. I didn’t bother to turn around looking at his face when I heard footsteps getting closer by the second. The next thing I knew it, his breath was all over me, so close I could feel it around my neck. I could feel his body touching my back, his hands holding my arms while he leaned his head closer to mine.
“Why do you have to always leave me with question?” – Taek Yeon, he whispered to my ears. “The one time you have done this, the ache in my heart is still severe and there’s no way for me to cure this.”
“What do you mean by.........?” I couldn’t finish my sentence when I remembered it all of sudden. I was shocked that he used to be someone important in my life. How could I forget about this? How could I not remember him whom happened to have lightened my life before? I don’t know how I have forgotten about him for years and years and only until now....I remembered!! He’s disappeared from my life where it made me to questioned our relationship before and now, he reappear back again, what does this mean?!! I turned around and looked at him. “Why? Why it have to be you?”
“I’m sorry.” – Taek Yeon.
“Why it have to be you? Why did you disappear from my life? I couldn’t believe you!! You have the guts to appear back in my life when you once leave me alone stranded here!! Why?!!” Before he can say anything, I spoke off. “NO!! Don’t go near me, I don’t want anything got to do with you. No!! Just leave me alone!!” I ran off before he can do anything. I didn’t even give him any chance. I don’t want too, neither second chance nor the rest of his life chance.

It has been days that I didn’t see him. I don’t even come to college just to avoid him. If this meant to be, I never wanted to go to that horrid place ever again. I don’t care if this involved my study, education and such, I don’t care at all. Not to say it proud, but my brain is brighter and wiser than ever.


My eyes became huge when my stomach grumbled all of sudden. I let go of a sighed. Maybe I should go out and buy myself a food. Hmm...maybe that 24 hour restaurant would do. I got up quickly and left my house after that.
Walking down the pavement heading my way to that restaurant, hmm I’m thinking what kind I would get for this hungry tummy of mine. I chuckled to myself. Nearly reach the place, the next steps I move, I had the feeling...a weird feeling. Somehow someone’s following me. I turned around but there was no one there. When I turned back, I jumped in surprised when I saw two men stood right in front of me. Don’t tell me....ahh!! I better run before I am too late.
I ran off escaping myself from them but somehow one of them managed to grab me and pulled me towards them. I’m trapped!! me.

They started to touch me, rubbing my face with their filthy hands and the next thing I knew it, they loosen their grasped and let go of me. I looked around and founded them laid on the ground unconscious. I’m surprised. Someone must have come here helping me out. I quickly looked around curiously wanting to search for the mysterious person that helped me. I owe my life to him.

“Where are you?” I talked to myself. I kept on searching for that person until when I know someone responded to my matter.
“I’m here.” I quickly paced my steps to the owner of the voice whom hid himself in the dark. Slowly he stepped out from the dark showing his true self. My eyes became huge when the one that saved my life just now, the one that I owe my life too, is none other than him!!
“You...!!” I was shocked at the same time I am very much angry but on top of all that, I’m relieved.
“Are you still angry at me?” – Taek Yeon. He stepped forward. “I haven’t seen you for these past few days, only until now.”
“No!! There is no need for you to see me or something.” I turned around avoided myself from seeing his face. “......But, thank you. If you’re not here to safe me, I don’t know what will be going to happen to me.”
“I just don’t like those middle aged men touching you all over.” – Taek Yeon.
“Hmm...I should be going now.” I walked off but he managed to grab my hand.
“Can I come?” – Taek Yeon. I didn’t say anything to him but he knows.

At the restaurant –

When he arrived at the 24 hour restaurant, we sat at the place where I usually sit every time I come here. As usual we ordered our food, and when the food came, we ate and finished it then we paid for them. We didn’t even talk or having a conversation with each others. It was just a silent midnight snack, not the usual. After we have done our business, we went to our separated way where he went to his place and I went to mine. Our place’s the opposite direction, and it took nearly 40 minutes to reach each others place.
When I was about to make a move, he called me. I turned around and when I know it, he approached me.

“Little red cape....” – Taek Yeon.
“What do you want? I thanked you for saving my life, but other than that...please don’t appear in my life.”
“If I couldn’t do that...then let me be your protector from far aside. By then, you don’t have to bother about it. I wouldn’t go near you, like what you desire off.” – Taek Yeon.
“..................” I became speechless. I don’t know what to say more.

Since then, he did at what he said. He kept his promised and I never see him around when I was around anymore. But I had the feelings he’s just around, so close that I could ever think. What is this guy thinking?!!

One day –

“Hmm....I know he’s around.” I mumbled to myself as I looked around. “Where is he?” I whispered to myself. I glared at every inch searching for him, but no. He’s not there and he’s not here either. “Is he given up already?” I blurted by accident. Quickly I covered my mouth when he showed up from out of no where.
“Are you looking for me?” – Taek Yeon. I shake my head. “You seems unease when you though I wasn’t around anymore. Why?” I couldn’t reply at him. “Look, if you thought like that, then you’re wrong. You see, I always will be there for you even so you don’t want me to be around you...I will still be there for you, look out for you, protect you from far aside. It’s the only way I could feeling ease and make sure you’re secure.” – Taek Yeon

I didn’t say much. I paced forward and hugged him. I don’t know the reason but my mind just moved by its self.
Am I have always been longing for this? Is he the one that I missed being with all this time?

“What happened to you? I thought you don’t want me around you.” – Taek Yeon, he’s surprised that I am hugging him. I didn’t say anything to him, I just shake my head and it made a vibration to his body. He chuckled. Then I felt something touched my head and when I looked up, he smiled at the same time he rubbed my head gently.

“THUMP!! THUMP!! THUMP!!!!!!!!”

I could hear his heartbeat, I can feel his heartbeat – it thumped so loud. Yet somehow, it ease me lots. I couldn’t remember when the last time I am at this position with him. It was very long time ago that it nearly faded – from where it only in between one and a million apart and its not even neared the million. I giggled and when I thought he wouldn’t realize it, I was wrong.

“Are you laughing there?” – Taek Yeon, he whispered. I raised my head above and looked to his face. Even when I didn’t say anything at all, he’s somehow expecting something from me. I looked away avoiding from making an eye contacts with him but he grabbed my chin in such rapid movement and turned back facing toward his face. “You can never look away from me; I love that face of yours.”
“Rin.” – Taek Yeon.
“Why did you leave me? And why did you act like we don’t know each others?” I questioned him again, I kept on doing this. Why did I?
“I didn’t mean too, Rin.” – Taek Yeon. A little bit melancholy tone in his words.
“Why are you sad when I’m supposed to be the one that is sad in this?” Why are you sad? Why am I sad?
“I lied to you.” – Taek Yeon.
“I know.”
“Forgive me.” – Taek Yeon.
“I already forgive you, Taek Yeon. I am not the kind that hold grudge but only, it shocked me deep like a knife stabbing my heart and let it be like that when I still can feel the pain.”

“Please, can you be the one that sine my life? The one that always there for me – the one that always being beside me – the one that play major important in my life – please, be that one, the only one for me.” – Taek Yeon.
“Then can you be the one that is always standing beside me?”
“I will do anything, just anything!!” – Taek Yeon. I smiled and happy at what he said to me.

This is the second chances I gave to him – only because I longing him and just because he’s the one that have been missing from my life all this time. I wanted to be that someone important for him in his life. I wanted that back again. I wanted that attention he has given to me and just only for me. I am greedy in this and when I got struck by falling in love with the same person again.
Of all these times, I never gave chances to anyone for them to step in my life and when I know what’s the reason was; I stepped forward so that none can have it except for me. All the times I’m with him before, I was truly happy. I wanted that back again, I wanted that feelings – the feelings of happiness, the feelings of being love by and in love with.
And now, I can fully have that feeling back again. In everyway, nothing matters anymore when I got what I wanted.

“Are you happy?” – Taek Yeon, he questioned me all of sudden.
“I am when the happiness I have lost for the past few years has now returned to my side. Do you feel the same way as I do?” He smiled at me.

“Yes, I do. And that happiness, I want to make you happy like what we used to have. I wanted to see that happy smile carve on your face. I wanted at what it used to belong to mine; I wanted it back.” – Taek Yeon.
“Guess what, you got it back already. I’m right here, Ohk Taek Yeon.”

“Why it have to be you? When you’re the only one shine my life.” – Taek Yeon.

Why it have to be you?

- Owner;
JunJ ---
March 30th of 2010.

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