Park Yong Ji

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Nostalgia ;)

Sea Salt Ice-Cream

Sunday 28 March 2010

{ MOD POST } What a boring day

{ What a boring day }

Pictures soon ---

What date is today?!!
I don’t know and somehow my interest in writing turned out to be.... – I am more interest to sleep rather than writing.
Or maybe it was the writing block that made me like this!!
I don’t know, writing block just overtook me more than anything that I prefer to choose sleep than writing more fan fictions.
Oh bummer ~

Nowadays, I felt so sleepy that I wanted to sleep the whole day.
I just don’t know.

Anyway, what more need for me to write?
I’ll edit it later. I am going off to somewhere to buy me some stuff – yes, toothpaste, chocolates and all those junkies. D:
I know, not healthy. But who cares, it’s not like I ate them 24/7 everyday.
What?!! Are you kidding me? I would have diabetes if I do that, aish.
I just need some junkies’ food, especially Kit Kat bites – dark chocolate ones. This baby is hella delicious.
It makes you wanted to nibbles on them nonstop the second you shove it to your mouth.

Going to hospital tomorrow to remove this thang, gah so ghei!! It so itchy though, boo.
And ehh, I don’t know where that pictures gone too. I swore it’s with otousan. I don’t want to take new pictures to renew ID.
So ridiculous. D:
Just going to use the old one. Aish, freaking $15 for an ID. Major WTH!!
Boo.... and before we have to pay $10 to renew them and it’s made out of paper. Pfft ~
I swear, if it’s fell into the toilet bowl, oh darn it would be ruin. Seriously!!
And couldn’t you believe I am ranting about this?!! Boo...
Yes, I have issue with money when it comes to such....urghh result. A little piece that cost you much, OMGD!! Kill me, this is so ridiculous.
Why couldn’t they at least make it a bit better? A bit likes somehow its waterproof?!! Urghh...
Good thing I am not going to continue my Advance there. Well, no!! I am not going to continue anywhere.
I will just take one more extra course, some Photoshop module there.
Yes, we have that module but have to pay it differently if you want to take it. I wonder who’s the lecturer would be if I take it.
Hmm, curious...I wondered who.

I need to go now.
Ja ~

Now smiles, don’t keep that face frowning 24/7.
It’s not that healthy.

- Owner;

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