Park Yong Ji

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Nostalgia ;)

Sea Salt Ice-Cream

Saturday 27 March 2010

I’m always there - One Shoot

I’m always there - One Shoot

Hello. My name is Seira. How about you?
My name is Chan Sung.
Let’s be friend.
Do you really want to be friend with me? I intend to eat lots.
*chuckled* I don’t mind, I love food as much as you does. My sister thought I am weird.
My brothers always hide the foods from me.
*chuckled* we have lots in common.
You have different eyes color from mine; you are not from here, are you?
*nodded* no, I am not from around here, but I was born here.


I remembered it every details the day we spent time together – it’s still fresh in my mind. How could I ever forget those moments? It’s somehow important to me, I will never forget about it. Why? Because on the day she left Korea, I felt something that I have never feel before. It just the times we spent together, I can felt that it was very special.
The day she left, she left me something that I would never forget. Since then, we exchange letters with each others even so we lived far apart but we always contact with each others, not just that, we also talked via MSN and we even webcam with each others, so that we could see each others faces – mostly everyday, every time. I missed her; I missed her being here with me. I envy that my brothers and their girlfriends could be so close with each others – but no, I don’t care as long as we both love each others and are very strong. Yes, I believe in this strong relationship between us.

One night –

“Sis, do you think he would be online tonight? Would you think that possible when I break the news, he would be happy?” – Seira.
“What do you think it would be?” – Mirai, she chuckled off.
“I don’t know, Mirai.” – Seira.
“Aish, Seira. Don’t think too much, if he loves you, he would be happy for you.” – Mirai. Seira sighed heavily then she turned around facing her laptop screen. Coincidence, when she’s about to check her Messenger, a window pop up with orange light blinking on the taskbar of her laptop. “Ahh, that’s must be him.” She grinned. She stood up all of sudden and walked out of Seira room. Before she leave the room, she said something to Seira; “Don’t forget about dinner later.”
“Okay sis, just call me up.” – Seira.

I am your bear:
Seira, are you there?
D: Mirai is taking so long – I miss you:
Sungie....yes, I am here. I was just talking to Mirai.
I am your bear:
Oh I see. How are you? I miss you, did you miss me?
D: Mirai is taking so long – I miss you:
Of course I do, why wouldn’t I? Well, do you?
I am your bear:
I do...what?
D: Mirai is taking so long – I miss you:
Miss me of course, you silly bear.
I am your bear:
I always and every time.
D: Mirai is taking so long – I miss you:
BTW, Sungie....there is something I wanted to say.
I am your bear:
O: ???
D: Mirai is taking so long – I miss you:
If I tell this, would you still love me?
I am your bear:
Depends on the thing you wanted to tell me.
D: Mirai is taking so long – I miss you:
Please, tell me...would you?
I am your bear:
Seriously, Seira. What is this all about? You know I always love you.
D: Mirai is taking so long – I miss you:
I am your bear:
Now, tell me. What is this all about?
D: Mirai is taking so long – I miss you:
Guess what? I have been accepted to one of the Korean University, isn’t that great?
I am your bear:
OMG, you did?!! Baby, congratulation. I am so happy for you. Oh how much I wish I could hug you right now. Did you know what I am longing for since you left?
D: Mirai is taking so long – I miss you:
Thank you, Sungie. I love you. I know you will always be happy for me. I am so happy to have you in my life. And...tell me what is it.
I am your bear:
To have you always beside me – to have you in my arms. I wanted to hug you so much and I will when we meet again. Baby, when are you going to Korea? By then, we can meet everyday without hindrance. I love this.
D: Mirai is taking so long – I miss you:
Next month, Sungie. Now, I still have times to pack my stuff and send it to Korea. Daddy already bought us a place to live and by the time I arrive there, all of my stuff would be there in our place. Sungie, promise me when I arrive there next month, hug me.
I am your bear:
Next month? Oh god; today is only the early of the month, but I don’t mind waiting for you. Honestly I seriously cannot wait. This is the best time of my life. And I promised baby, just for you. Wait, what do you mean by “us”?
D: Mirai is taking so long – I miss you:
Mirai is coming to stay with me. Daddy doesn’t want me to be alone in Korea. Kept that promised, Sungie. ^.^
I am your bear:
^.^ I thought it was someone else when you referred to “us”. Ha ha.

“SEIRA!! GET YOUR SELF DOWN HERE, ITS DINNER TIME AND IF YOU DON’T COME DOWN BY 10 MINUTES, I AM GOING TO EAT YOUR FOODS AND LET YOU STARVE!!” – Mirai, she shouted from the kitchen and Seira could hear her loud voice through her room.
“You are so loud Mirai and yes!! I’m coming, just give me a second.” – Seira.

D: Mirai is taking so long – I miss you::
Sungie, I got to go now. Mirai’s going to blow her head off if I don’t come down now. We’ll talk later, alright?
I am your bear:
Of course baby, we will. I am going to miss you. xoxo
D: Mirai is taking so long – I miss you:
Sungie, it wouldn’t be long until we can meet up and see each others again.
I am your bear:
That I could not wait.
D: Mirai is taking so long – I miss you:
I love you and now I have to go. See you, Sungie.
I am your bear:
^.^ love you lots and lots, Seira.

D: Mirai is taking so long – I miss you has logged off.
I am your bear has logged off.

Chan Sung sighed yet at the same time he felt so happy that he smiled like crazy to himself.

“Why do I have the feelings that you just got something good?!!” – ???
“I am very happy. Seira will be coming next month and guess what?!! She’ll be staying here...but for her study but other than that, I cannot wait!!” – Chan Sung.
“Wait, what?!! Seira’s coming?!!” – ???
“Yes, Taek Yeon. She’s coming. Am I not make myself clear or are you gone deaf?!!” – Chan Sung.
“Do you want to get kill by me?!!” – Taek Yeon. He continued; “’re happy in this, aren’t you?”
“It proves he does, Taek. It showed all over his face.” – ???
“Oh Woo Young. I thought that girlfriend of yours will be coming tonight? And Jun Su hyeong also.” – Chan Sung.
“Nah, we’re over.” – Woo Young.
“Don’t tell me you got bored over this one?” – Chan Sung.
“Yeah, and I thought this one would be longer but I guess I was wrong. This one was damn bored that we didn’t last for like a week.” – Woo Young. He continued as he walked to the kitchen; “It’s not like I am the only one. Jun Su is as well, so don’t blame me in everything.” He laughed. Taek Yeon and Chan Sung turned around and looked at the person sat in front of them.
“What are you two looking at me like that, ehh?!!” – Jun Su.
“So it’s true?!!” – Chan Sung.
“Yes, just like Woo Young. This one pretty much bored.” – Jun Su.
“Wait, do you even know what her name was?!!” – Chan Sung.
“I only remember the Yee part. Other than that, I don’t care.” – Jun Su. Chan Sung rolled his eyes and shake his head at the same time.


Few days later –

When Chan Sung and Jun Su went out to buy the groceries, Jun Su stopped all of sudden when they nearly reach the store. Ahead of him, where someone he knew with someone at the café nearby. He was shocked for no reason that he didn’t know he would. Chan Sung stepped ahead and looked at the same direction as Jun Su does and he smiled knowing what made Jun Su startled so sudden.
Chan Sung moved another step and this time he stood right in front of Jun Su and blocked his sight. Jun Su raised his head up and looked at Chan Sung grinning.

“What?!!” – Jun Su, mad tone.
“I know what you saw, hyeong. She’s there at the café with someone else that treated her much better. You’re a player, hyeong.” – Chan Sung.
“Player meant to do that, like I care that much? We should finish at what we starting – the groceries!!” – Jun Su. He pushed Chan Sung away from him and continued moving. Chan Sung smirked then he moved his feet and followed Jun Su from behind entering the store.

Later on, after they have done bought the foods, when they stepped out of the store, the girl Jun Su dumped showed up with a guy stood beside her. When she saw Jun Su and Chan Sung came out of the stores, she paced her steps and tapped Jun Su back.

“Oppa...” – Yee. Jun Su turned around when he heard a very familiar voice. When he saw who was the one called him, his eyes became huge and she just smiled at him like there’s nothing happen between them. Chan Sung smiled when he looked at her and she smiled back at him. “Hello Chan Sung.” She bowed at him.
“Wait, you don’t have to bow at me. I felt so embarrassed now.” – Chan Sung, modest tone.
“How are you?” – Yee. No respond from Jun Su then Chan Sung shoved his elbow at Jun Su’s.
“You!! Answer her, she obviously not asking me that.” – Chan Sung, he whispered at him.
“Ahh...I’m just alright. Nothing good happens. Hmm, y-you?” – Jun Su. She laughed lightly and somehow it stunned Jun Su. Chan Sung can see through him and smiled to himself.
“I wanted you to meet someone, oppa.” – Yee. She turned around and ran to the guy that stood behind him. Then she walked forward along with the guy whilst holding hands. “This is Jun Ho. Jun oppa, this is Chan Sung and Jun Su. They are my good friends.” Jun Ho bowed at them after Yee introduced her to them.
“I’m Jun Ho. And thank you for all this time for taking good care of her when I am not around.” – Jun Ho. Jun Su expression changed the second Jun Ho finished talking.

On their way home, the entire time Jun Su didn’t speak anything at all. He frowned all the way and Chan Sung couldn’t stop smirking to himself. When they reached home, as they entered the house, Woo Young ran towards them and it made both of them jumped.

“Chan Sung!!” – Woo Young.
“Woo Young!!” – Chan Sung, he replied the same thing. “Wait, why are we shouting?”
“Chan Sung!! What took you two so long?!! Chan Sung!! Seira called you, like seriously called you.” – Woo Young.
“WHAT!!?” – Chan Sung. Quickly he gave the groceries bags to Woo Young and ran to his room. “OII!!” He shouted. Then he turned around and looked at Jun Su. “Now, what’s wrong with you?”
“Aish, nothing.” – Jun Su.
“Oh, really?” – Woo Young. Jun Su didn’t respond at him, he walked off to the kitchen to put the groceries away.


One day, on the same day as Seira to be arrive at Korea, Jun Su went to Chan Sung for a help when he’s about to leave for the airport.

“Hey, Chan Sung.” – Jun Su. He continued with a low tone; “Are you going now?”
“Yes, hyeong. Hmm, is there anything you need?” – Chan Sung.
“Erm....” – Jun Su, he hesitated.
“Is it about Yee?” – Chan Sung.
“How’d you know?” – Jun Su.
“It’s obvious, hyeong. I can see it through you.” – Chan Sung, smirked. He continued; “You can always just tell her.”
“W-What?!! Are you kidding me?!!” – Jun Su. Chan Sung shake his head.
“No, hyeong. I’m serious.” – Chan Sung. Jun Su groaned heavily.
“Aish.” – Jun Su.
“You’re troubling your head with this. Like what I said, go tell her.” – Chan Sung. He continued with a laughed; “And for once stops being a player.”
“Can I do this?” – Jun Su. Chan Sung smiled at him and tapped his shoulder before he left for to the airport.

At the airport –

Chan Sung just arrived at the location. Without hesitate he parked his car at the parking lot and ran off to the kitchen without wasting anymore time. When he reached inside of the airport, ahead of him were two girls sat on the café that’s inside the airport enjoying their coffee.
Chan Sung smiled as he saw Seira face then slowly he paced his steps approaching them. Mirai nudged Seira when she saw Chan Sung coming ahead.

“There...” – Mirai, she pointed her index finger right to Chan Sung. Seira turned around and she’s surprised to see Chan Sung and he’s getting closer and closer. Chan Sung smiled at him and when he’s closed distant between him and Seira, she stood up.

Meanwhile –

Jun Su went to the café to meet someone and when he reached there, she’s alone like what he’s desire off. She sat backing him and when he approached her, he greeted her from behind. When she turned around, she saw Jun Su and she smiled at him.
Slowly, she stood up and faced Jun Su. He moved closer to Yee by one step ahead.

“I...” – Jun Su, he startled.
“I know already, Jun Su. You don’t have to say anymore. As much boring person as I do, love is just a crazy thing.” – Yee.
“Sorry....but when the time I saw you with him, I felt different.” – Jun Su. Yee laughed lightly then she moved her hand and touched his face.
“Look, Jun Ho is my best cousin, we’re close with each others apart from the holding hands, and we always do that. Look, Jun Su.” – Yee, she couldn’t finish her sentence when Jun Su interrupts.
“I’m sorry.” – Jun Su. He continued; “When Chan Sung said to me that I should stop being a player...then I decided I should.”
“I doubt that.” – Yee. She turned around and grabbed her stuff.
“Don’t you believe me? I wanted to prove this to you.” – Jun Su.
“You told me the same thing before and surprised it was that we didn’t last long.” – Yee. She started to walk away leaving Jun Su behind.
“Wait....!!” – Jun Su. He paced his steps until he’s closer to Yee. “This time, just this time. One more chance, please, Yee.” Yee sighed lightly then she turned around facing Jun Su.
“Can we start this new?” – Yee. Jun Su expression changed, he smiled so bright that he grabbed her hand right away.
“Thank you...” – Jun Su.

Somewhere –

“Wow, this place looks great.” – Mirai.
“I never thought daddy would buy us this kind.” – Seira.
“It so huge for the both of us, wonder why daddy would go for this kind.” – Mirai, she chuckled. Then she turned around and looked at Chan Sung stood beside the door. She smiled and approached Seira and tapped her shoulders afterward. “Hey, I am going to get something to eat. I am starving.”
“Ahh, want me to go with you?” – Seira.
“I can go alone. It’s alright.” – Mirai. After she left the place, Seira turned around and looked at Chan Sung who’s leaning his back to the wall. She smiled at him then slowly she approached him.
“Ahh...” – Chan Sung.
“How about that promised, Sungie?” – Seira. Chan Sung smiled; slowly he leaned closer to Seira and hugged her closer to him.
“I missed you.” – Chan Sung. Slowly he let go of her, he gaze at her face. Then slowly he moved his head closer to her and kissed her.

On the way home, Jun Su stopped moving all of sudden. Yee stopped as well when she realized Jun Su being silent. She turned her head around and looked at Jun Su.

“You are not regretting? People around here know what I did before. Are you sure?” – Jun Su.
“No, they are my least of concern in this.” – Yee. Jun Su smiled.
“But why did you give me the second chance when you doubt it all?” – Jun Su.
“I am not sure, but like what I said before – love is just a crazy thing.” – Yee. Jun Su didn’t say much anymore, he walked closer to Yee and held her hands. He smiled at her and she smiled back to him.

On the other hand, on her way to the buy herself some food, Mirai bumped into someone that made everyone around him falling apart. She nearly dropped her cell phone when he caught it before it hit the ground.

“Ahh, thank you so much.” – Mirai.
“It’s not a big deal.” – ???. He handed the cell phone back to its owner with an angelic smile planted on his face. “This I presume is belonging to you.”
“Thank you.” – Mirai, she took the cell phone from the person hand. When she looked up and saw the person face, she gasped. “Ji Yong?!! When did you returned?!!”
“Yesterday. The question is why are you returning here?” – Ji Yong.
“It’s none of your business.” – Mirai. She walked away but before she can go far, Ji Yong grabbed her hand.
“Are you trying to run away from me again, Mirai?!! Just like last time, remember?!!” – Ji Yong.
“I am not the one who’s running away, it was you!! You ditched our relationship like that and you made me waited for you while you’re out there having fun and leave me blank with no clue at all!! Did you even know how I felt that time, Ji Yong?!! It was severe and I was hurt but you!! You were never there to be alongside me. You’re cruel, Ji Yong, you’re just cruel like all of the guys I have known.” – Mirai. Ji Yong slowly let go of her hand and she ran off from him.
“Darn it!!” – Ji Yong. He ran off chasing after Mirai few minutes later. When he caught her, he pulled her towards him and didn’t let go of her.
“What is this!!?” – Mirai, she shouted.
“I will never leave you alone, never!! Not anymore.” – Ji Yong. Before Mirai could say anything, he already ahead of her. “And please, just believe me. I wouldn’t let you down anymore. I’ll be a better man.”
“Are you going to leave me alone – facing the pain all by myself?” – Mirai, she whispered to him.
“No, not this time. Not anymore.” – Ji Yong, he whispered back to her.

“Then kiss me.” – Mirai. Ji Yong leaned his head closer to her then he planted a kiss on her.

“Kiss me, Jun Su.” – Yee, she moved her face closer to Jun Su ears. Without hesitated Jun Su turned his face around and kissed her.

“Sungie...” – Seira. Chan Sung looked at her. “I love you, kiss me.” Chan Sung scooted closer to her and started to kiss her.

I’m always there

- Owner;
JunJ ---
March 27th of 2010.

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