Park Yong Ji

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Sea Salt Ice-Cream

Thursday 25 March 2010

Forbidden Existence - One Shoot

Forbidden Existence - One Shoot

He’s my Peter Pan and I am his Tinkerbelle.
We always imagining that one day we would be going to Never-Never Land and I believes that.
We always wished and hoped everyday every night that our wishes would come true one day.
We’re always together...we have each others back.
We promised each others that neither one of us will every leave each others side.


The promised we made broke into little pieces like a piece of glass.
He left me all alone here in the dark. He said he would save me if I drown into the darkness.
I waited and waited for the times he come to save me from the darkness, but he was never there.
If he didn’t come now, I don’t want anyone to safe me.

I heard sounds; sounds came from around me – it just so close, so familiar. I just wondered who it was belonging too.
I still couldn’t see anything but pitch black.
I swear, I heard these familiar sounds saying my name, but it couldn’t get through me. Whose that sounds belonging too?
And why couldn’t I get it through me? Who are they?
Why am I being called?
I don’t want to go to where all of them are. I just wanted to stay here....until whenever.
Being with them is just a nuisance to someone like me.

Are the people that I care very much intending to leave me every time?

Flashback –

“I’m sorry, but I have to move on.” – ???
“I want to come with you.”
“No!! Don’t come with me.” – ???
“W-Why couldn’t I?”
“Because I don’t want any troubles or burden come from you.” – ???
“A-Are you saying I am all of those?”
“Now you know. That’s why I don’t want you to come with me, not anymore.” – ???
“But...the promised we made all these years, what was that all about?”
“It’s gone.” – ???
“Please no more. I don’t want to hear anything come from your mouth anymore.”
“Young Saeng...I still couldn’t believe this.”
“Do you believe it now? This is reality; we are not in our so called childhood fantasy fairy tales anymore, Yun Da.” – Young Seng.
“Why did you do this? That childhood you scorned off just now is what belonged to us when we’re little, Young Saeng. Why are you throwing it off at everything?”
“Because Yun Da, I move on. I don’t want to live on that fairy tales anymore. If you still wanted to live up to it, then fine. Don’t drag me along, I don’t want it anymore. I have move on, Yun Da but you!!? This is why I don’t want you burden my life anymore. I am going to leave this town and heading to the city – where all the fun is.” – Young Saeng.
“You are not the same Young Saeng I knew. What I see in front of me is not you.”
“No more, Yun Da, no more. I don’t want to hear all of these craps anymore. I am going, I am leaving today. Starting now, there will be no more that Young Saeng you known from before, he’s gone already. I am someone that I believe you will not know anymore. Goodbye Yun Da. And don’t ever come to the city just because you wanted to claim the promise we have made.” – Young Saeng.

It was the end between their friendships. Young Saeng has moved on while Yun Da stayed behind with a broken heart. Until now, she remembered at what he has said to her on the last day they met. It never erases from her memory and stayed fresh even months have passed by.

Few months at what happened between them, Yun Da went to the city because of one invitation she cannot decline. She cannot say no and just to have accepted it. When she arrived at the city, she got invited by a tall good-looking more to handsome guy. He smiled at her and she still surprised seeing she got invited by someone that looked so good.
He drove her to his house and in the car; she’s still in shocked state. She kept on peeking at him whilst driving and when he saw her glared at her after each few seconds, he smiled at her. She looked to the opposite way gotten all red all around her face. She put her finger on her mouth, biting her lips feeling all nervous to start a conversation.
It was silent the whole times and when she’s about to open her mouth, he spoke up.

“Didn’t your mom tell you about this?” – ???
“Mom didn’t tell the part that a tall guy would be the one that invited me.” – Yun Da, she startled even for a few second long.
“Are you nervous? Don’t be nervous around me. I don’t bite.” – ???
“But, I never met any good-looking guy like you in my entire life; I’m just not use to this.” – Yun Da.
“Please, you can call me Hyun Joong.” – Hyun Joong.
“Hyun Joong-sshi.” – Yun Da.
“Please, don’t be formal around me. I am just doing what I supposed to do but I never expected that I have cute niece.” – Hyun Joong.
“Niece? I never knew that I have an uncle all this time.” – Yun Da. Like a brick just fell on top of him, he nearly clash into the sideway right after Yun Da just called him uncle. He laughed with hesitate.
“Please, I’m just 24 years old. You can call me oppa by any chance.” – Hyun Joong. He continued; “How old are you?”
I’m 18 years old, oppa. We’re like 6 years old apart.” – Yun Da.
“Well then, are you going to go to high school around here?” – Hyun Joong. Yun Da shrugged and it made him laughed lightly. “You’re cute...well; I guess I am going to register you to high school around here. Would you like that?” Yun Da shrugged again and it still never fails to make Hyun Joong laughed quietly.


After a long stayed with Hyun Joong at the city, a little feelings grown in them, little less that they didn’t know of it.
Just until one day, at Kim’s residence, when Yun Da looked around the place for Hyun Joong, until when she heard his voice from his room.

“Hyun Joong oppa, are you there?” – Yun Da.

She slowly opened Hyun Joong room and stepped in but something that lied in front of her made her shocked like thunder just stroke her from the sky. At what she saw, it nearly burnt her eyes that tears flew down her cheeks through her eyes. She felt disbelief at what she just saw – on the bed, Hyun Joong half naked with women his age being completely undress and both making out. Yun Da quickly stepped back and closed the door, pretended nothing happen. She barged out of the room and went off to somewhere else.
When Hyun Joong found out that Yun Da has witnessed with her bare eyes, he quickly grabbed his clothes and put on it. He couldn’t believe that his niece just saw at what happened.

“Where are you going? Don’t tell me that you’re going to after her? All this times...I thought you wanted me back, but what is this?!!” – ???
“This is a mistake!! I should have never done this. And you!! Get dress and after that you are going to leave this house!! And don’t ever come back to this house ever again, hear me? If you are clear and understand, then do it now!!” – Hyun Joong. Quickly he dressed up and the second he has done dressing, he ran off chasing after Yun Da.

Yun Da ran as far as she can and stopped somewhere where she’s not familiar with. She looked around and couldn’t get it through her. But something caught her eyes when she saw Young Saeng kissed with a girl not far from where she stood. Her eyes became huge – she was shocked at the same time she was happy for a little. Without thinking wise, she paced her steps and approached him.

“Young Saeng.” – Yun Da, happy tone at the same time a little gloomy in between. When Young Saeng heard his name being called, he stopped kissed his girlfriend and turned his head around. He was surprise to see Yun Da right there in front of his eyes.
“What are you doing here?” – Young Saeng. Yun Da shrugged. He continued; “That is so like you, you’re just too....” He groaned and stood up right away. But before he could open his mouth, someone showed up from behind and he made Young Saeng stunned. Yun Da was curious so she turned her head around and surprise she was to see Hyun Joong stood so close to her. Hyun Joong put his arms around her shoulders and scooted her close to him.
“Are you trying to harm her?” – Hyun Joong, serious tone. Yun Da eyes became huge.
“Wow.” – Young Saeng girlfriend amazed at Hyun Joong and it made Young Saeng pissed off. Quickly he grabbed her hand and walked off. After Young Saeng has left with his girlfriend, Hyun Joong lowered his head and looked at Yun Da.

“Are you alright?” – Hyun Joong. Yun Da still frozen as she glared at Hyun Joong, she was wordless in what to say to him. Hyun Joong let go of a sighed then he rubbed her head gently yet it equally made her hair all messed up. “Did he hurt you or anything?” Yun Da shakes her head and slowly tears came out from her eyes. With his gentle care, Hyun Joong wiped Yun Da tears with his thumb. “Why are you crying?” He whispered to her.
“Because.....I somehow....” – Yun Da. She couldn’t say it and by that moment, Hyun Joong pulled her to him and embraced her closer to him.

Back home, when they have returned, Hyun Joong was piggy back Yun Dae and she felt asleep on their way home. And when he’s about to send her to her room, he saw a familiar figure sat on the sofa with her legs crossing over.
Hyun Joong was mad since he told her off yet she didn’t even leave the house like what he wanted her to do. Slowly she stood up and approached him.

“What are you still doing here? Didn’t I tell......” – Hyun Joong, he didn’t finish his sentence when she putted her finger on his lips.
“I know you did, but I will not leave this place until I get what I wanted.” – ???.
“What do you want?!!” – Hyun Joong. She moved closer to her, close enough that they can hear their own breathing. She lifted her legs making her skirts got stretched revealing her thigh. Hyun Joong pretended he didn’t see that and avoided himself from got seduce by her.
“Are you trying to seduce me, Soo Bin?” – Hyun Joong. Soo Bin smirked then she turned around and leaned her back on Hyun Joong. He got surprised a bit and jumped backward where it made Yun Dae woke up from her sleep. The first thing she saw was Soo Bin trying to get her hands on Hyun Joong. She got irked right away.
“Let me down, oppa.” – Yun Dae.
“What? No.” – Hyun Joong. “You!! Get out of this place, now!!” Soo Bin rolled her eyes and left just like that since she got bored already.
“You’re just a crap, Hyun Joong. You’re already wasted.” – Soo Bin. She left right away after that. Yun Da looked at Hyun Joong afrer the criticism he received from Soo Bin.
“Are you alright at what she just said to you?” – Yun Dae. Hyun Joong sighed then he walked to the sofa and threw his body onto it. Then slowly Yun Dae sat down on the sofa beside him.
“No, she’s right. I am pretty much wasted already. No one wants me anymore.” – Hyun Joong. He sighed then he turned his head and looked at Yun Da.
“Ehh, what are you looking at me like that for?” – Yun Da. Hyun Joong leaned closer to Yun Dae and then he grasped her hand but at the end they fell down on the floor lying. “What are you doing?”
“Shh....let’s just be quiet.” – Hyun Joong. He moved his head closer to Yun Dae and kissed her. For some reason, she didn’t back away, she didn’t push him off, but to let him kept on kissing her and touched her body.

Later, on the bed in Hyun Joong’s room, being together with absolutely no clothes, only blanket that covers their body and Yun Da fell asleep on top of Hyun Joong chest whilst he just stared at her sleeping. He smiled, he looked so happy yet at the same time, he felt so wrong of all reason.

“I kissed, slept and being nude with my own cousin – but if I fall in love with her, anything doesn’t matter anymore. I must take responsibility because I really do want this badly.” – Hyun Joong, he thought to himself. He then rubbed her head gently and planted a kiss on her forehead but it made her wakened up from her sleep. She raised her head and looked at Hyun Joong with her innocent face. “Hey...” He whispered to her gently. She smiled and responded back.
“Hey oppa.” – Yun Da, whispered tone. Hyun Joong leaned forward and kissed her again but this time on the lips.
“I know this is wrong, but....” – Hyun Joong, he paused for few seconds and Yun Da glared at him waited for him to continue his words. “....But, I really do wanted to be with you even so we’re blood related, but...that’s not a matter anymore.”
“Do you promise not to leave me?” – Yun Da.
“Promised.” – Hyun Joong. Yun Da smiled then she continued back to sleep.

End of flashback.

Somewhere at the city –

A being ran all over the city shouted one names and when he spotted her, he speed up and approached her.

“Yun!!” – Young Saeng.
“Ehh?” – Yun Dae, she stopped in the middle of the zebra crossway when she heard her name being called. She turned around and saw Young Saeng with an inquired look on her face.
“There you are!! You, come with me!!” – Yougn Saeng. He grabbed Yun Da hand and grasped it tightly. “Just shut up and come with me. I want to talk with you.” Yun Da fought her way by pulling her hand away from him.
“No!! Why would I? I am not coming with you.” – Yun Da.
“You!! Just shut up I say and come with me!!” – Young Saeng. He tightened up and pulled her immediately whilst Yun Da fought back.
“NO!!” – Yun Da.
“You stubborn girl!!” – Young Saeng.
“It’s not like I am the one who threw away their friend out of their life.” – Yun Da. She continued as she pushed Young Saeng away from her; “Now, get away from me!! I am just a burden, remembered?!!” Young Saeng let go of the grasped but it ended up making Yun Da lost her balance and fell down to the floor. She injured herself and strained her feet. She tried to get up but kept on falling down on the ground. “This is your fault, Young Saeng!! If you didn’t come here from the start, this would never be happening.”
“Whatever!!” – Young Saeng. He walked away and Yun Da finally got up. When she turned around, she saw lights ahead of her – she was bind by them and when she realized what it was, it was too late and she got hit by a car. She and the car hit with each others that it sent her flying and landed hard on the ground making it more worst. Bloods came out from her and stained the ground. When Young Saeng saw what happened, he was shock. Quickly he ran towards her and called the ambulance right away through his cell phone.

On the way to the hospital, inside the ambulance, Young Saeng who sat beside her has her bloods stained all over his clothes. He looked worried and Yun Da can see it with her eyes open a little. With the oxygen tube around his mouth, that’s the only way that can save her life – for now. But she completely shut down when they have arrived at the hospital and in a rushed; she’s being brought to the emergency room to have an operation on her.
Later, after few hours in the emergency room, it was a success and she being transport to a normal ward room yet, she’s in her unconscious state. Young Saeng was the first one to come into the room to visit her then not long after, Hyun Joong came. And when he saw Hyun Joong, Young Saeng left the room without saying anything to Hyun Joong.
He moved forward and stood beside Yun Da bed. He was fright as he sees Yun Da lied on the bed unconsciously with only an oxygen tube around her mouth to support her from now on, he was terrified to lose her. He sat down whilst holding her hand tightly to his chest. Tears as a crystal came out flowing down his chest.

“Why?” – Hyun Joong, he cried in silent.

I like you, lots.
I love you lots and lots.
That’s count right?
Do you like me? Do you love me?

“I always do.” – Hyun Joong, he mumbled through his sleep.

He has been all the times beside Yun Da, accompany her until he fell asleep whilst holding her hand tightly closed to him. Yun Da could hear him as much as he could but she couldn’t touch him, she couldn’t kiss him, she couldn’t touched his hairs, she couldn’t hug him – being laid on the bed with such useless body, as much as what she wanted to do, she couldn’t.

I’m sorry Hyun Joong. I still don’t want to come to reality even so as much as I wanted to be alive – to move freely, I don’t want.
I’m sorry; I don’t want to come out from the darkness. This place suits me best for such nuisance like myself.
I wish you would do give up on me.
I want to stay like this forever and die in this condition.

“No!! You couldn’t leave me behind.” – Hyun Joong, he mumbled through his sleep again. “NO!! DON’T LEAVE ME!!” He shouted as he woke up and sweats covered all over him. Quickly, he turned his head and looked at Yun Da in such panic way, he sighed heavily when he knew she’s still on the same state – lied on the bed move less.

All of sudden, Hyun Joong stood up and went to the bathroom to rinse his face with cold waters. He looked straight at the mirrors with waters flow down his face. Again he sighed heavily and disappointed, he groaned and again rinsed his face with cold waters.
In the midst of him showering his face with the water, he heard laughter. Quickly he looked up but at what he can see was only nothing but a room with little lights on and just silent with wind blowing from the outside window.

“The window must be opened for some reason that the winds could come in.” – Hyun Joong, he thought to himself. He closed the tapped water and went back to the room to close the window. Just when he’s about to close the window, something sharp flew inside and accidentally hit his face. When he turned around there was nothing but Hyun Joong got a cut on his right cheeks.

“What in the world was that?!!” – Hyun Joong. Quickly he ran to the bathroom with first aid box and put little bandage on the cut itself. “I wondered what that was just now. It was so weird.” He mumbled. After he has done, he went back to the room and sat on the chair. He looked at Yun Da with a gloomy expression around his eyes. “Please...don’t leave me.” Slowly he fell asleep not long after.

Days passed by so was months and Yun Dae still on the bed unconsciously. There were still no changes in her and possibility she would be forever in coma. Everyday, Hyun Joong came and he’s the only one that cares for Yun Dae deeply. Even on her birthday, he brought a cake just for him to celebrate it with her – hoping that she’d wake up but she didn’t at all.

“Happy birthday, Yun.” – Hyun Joong, sad tone. With the candles lighted on the birthday cake, he was hoping that she would be the one to blow it but instead, he has to blow it himself. “Yun, I really wished you’re the one to blow this instead of me.” He looked at him with dim expression planted on his face hoping that she would wake up that instant. But he knew the fact of reality that it wouldn’t be happen any sooner, yet he wished harder everyday.

Months passed by years, and it has reached one year since the day Yun Da laid on the bed. Hyun Joong grew older yet he didn’t give up. His wish and love is as strongly as his will and to spend the rest of his life come back and forth just for Yun Dae and to take care of her, he wouldn’t wish of anything better. From Christmas Eve and New Year Eve celebrations, he spent it with Yun Da more than anyone else he could have wish for.
On the Christmas Eve, he brought present for Yun Da. With his long scarf wrapped around his neck, slowly he took it off and wrapped it around Yun Da’s neck. He smiled insipidly at Yun Da afterwards. He took her hands and holds it tightly to his chest.

“Please, wake up...” – Hyun Joong, he whispered. Yun Da can hear it clearly, tears came flowing down her cheeks yet she couldn’t do anything.

On the night of Christmas Eve, Hyun Joong fell asleep like he always did every night whilst held Yun Da hands closed to her. On the other world, Yun Da could see clearly at what Hyun Joong has been through his whole life since the day she left the reality.

In Hyun Joong dream –

Are you my Peter Pan?
“I am not a superhero or anyone that has special power.” – Hyun Joong. He continued; “But...I will always be someone that you need.”
“Can I ask you to come back to the reality? Please, I am begging you.” – Hyun Joong.
“Please, don’t leave me...” – Hyun Joong.
I’m sorry. I couldn’t say more, I’m sorry.
“Please....I need much.” – Hyun Joong.
I’m sorry; I am not nearer in waking up. I’m sorry; I will stay like this until my last breathe. Please, please find someone else that could make you happy. I am not enough.
“I don’t want anyone else, but you. Why couldn’t you understand me?!!” – Hyun Joong.
I’m sorry...
“I....” – Hyun Joong, before he could finish it, his vision started to get blurry that Yun Da gone slowly faded. He tried to reach her but she kept on getting farther and farther away from him until he’s surrounded with darkness.

End of dream.

“NO!!” – Hyun Joon, he shouted out of his dream that he wakened up right away. He looked around in such panicked way but then he calmed when he saw Yun Da still in her same position and by that time he knew he was just dreaming. He started to look all depressed again seeing that Yun Da still hasn’t conscious from her coma. “Why? I don’t understand. Why was it that when I found the one that is for me....they always leaving me?!! Even you my own blood related is leaving me as well.” He thought to himself.

Years have passed by years and Hyun Joong grew older by the times. Without any different, he’s still doing the same thing he has done for the past years and that’s took care of Yun Da. He didn’t give up at all and oath that he would spend his entire time just to take care of Yun Da.
What made the differences was that both of them gotten old already. Hyun Joong got wrinkled around his face, yet he’s still has little less energy to moved around everyday, every months and every years just for someone he love. But he didn’t come alone anymore, with the help of wheelchairs and one of the nurses to pushes him around.

They cam to Yun Da room and only when he gave the signal, the nurse that took care of her left the room and let him alone with Yun Da. His taker would only come by to take him when night come and by all means when it’s time for everyone to sleep.

“Yun years and years I have came here everyday, I wouldn’t break the promised like what I have promised you in the past. I want you to believe that I am not the same guy that’s a sweet talk. I have always wished you to wake up, but until now, you never did. Even until now when we both have wrinkled around our faces and we grew by our age, I am still here – still hoping hardly that you woke up before my last breath.” – Hyun Joong, stuttered tone. He continued his talking when he knew Yun Da could only hear him; “When the time come – soon, I will be there, beside you and we can be together again like before. Please, wait for me when that time comes.” He started to cough severely that his taker came rushing in and took him to the emergency room along with the others nurses and doctor.

When the emergency room light has blinked out, the doctor and the nurses that took part came out with disappointed face and gloomy energy surround them. On the same time, Yun Da heartbeat became null and she’s not breathing anymore. Both of them has gone on the same time and met with each others once again just like how they met for the first time.

“I’m Kim Hyun Joong.” – Hyun Joong.
“Kim Yun Da.” – Yun Da.
“You looked like someone I have known in the past?” – Hyun Joong.
“If I am....then, are you my Peter Pan?” – Yun Da.
“And you’ll be my Tinkerbelle.” – Hyun Joong. Yun Da laughed lightly. “I found last. Finally, we meet again.”
“Yes, we meet again. Do you miss me?” – Yun Da. Hyun Joong leaned closer to her and putted his hands wrapped around her waist.
“I miss you....very much. But now, I don’t have to wait anymore. We’ll be together forever and nothing can stop us.” – Hyun Joong. Yun Da smiled as she raised her head above faced straight at Hyun Joong.

Hyun Joong moved his head closer to Yun Da and kissed her on the lips.

“I have been waiting for this – the whole times just to be with you.””

Forbidden Existence

- Owner;
JunJ ---
March 25th of 2010.

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