Park Yong Ji

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Nostalgia ;)

Sea Salt Ice-Cream

Tuesday 13 April 2010


{ I want HAUNTED UNI !! }

Remember my spazz-ed about 2PM Kiss Me MUG post?!!
Well the image, this was before I insert the text.
Dun dun dun dun......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Minnie eonnie going to get for kuma-kuma as well, black one – Chan Sung Kiss Me MUG. :D
I wonder if eonnie going to get the blue one. Ehh, was it blue?
Ahh, I have checked. Yes, it’s the blue one. :D

Jae oppa covered

By the way...
Tell me if this ain’t cute?
I mean he popped up at the beginning.

Jae oppa ~
Before I thought only he knows English but then I know Taek oppa know English as well. (Dude, I spelt his name Taek, okay? Not Taec. LOL. Even though it’s the same, but I wanted it to be suhpehsial. Like, well, ya know, spell em like you did the only one. LOL. I wanted to be erm...unique? Ahahah dabush!!) Dayum ~
Dude, this ain’t a problem if there’s a fan meeting. :D

And I am so can’t wait for 2PM new album.
Woosh ~

Big Bang seriously need to make their comeback or ndkshdjsjkdnknas !!

Ja ne ~

I am upset that the schedule for Haunted Room has changed.
From 15th April to 22nd April...and I was like “WHAT!!? DUDE, HOW CAN THIS BE!!?” whilst my eyes became huge.
Yeah, I talked that to myself.
And my respond to my love, was “Waaaaa, What?!!” LOL
Because I am reacted like this was because I am very anticipated for Haunted Room Thailand Horror movie.
But then, Steve Carell movie already played, so I guess we’re watching that?
Hubby wanted to watch that, so do I.
Yes!! Let’s go for that.
And I still have no idea why they changed it. WHY, WHY, WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???

And I just told my dear cousin who loves 2PM about the Kiss Me MUG.
She wished Jae oppa has one, but then I wished he was there that time. D:
And I wondered if he was there, what color would his mug be? Milky Pink? :D
Well he loves pink, I think – like Topsu does.

My song in the blog page, wondered what song was that?
If you are truly Kingdom Heart fan, then you would know it easily. :D

Now smiles, don’t keep that face frowning 24/7.
It’s not that healthy.

- Owner;
Watermelon JunJ8

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