Park Yong Ji

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Nostalgia ;)

Sea Salt Ice-Cream

Friday 12 March 2010

Chain II

Part 4

“Oh wait, Doo Joon-ahh~” – ???
“Yeah, what is it?” – Doo Joon.
“Where is Hae Ji? The last time you brought her along was when...” – ???. Doo Joon quickly covered that person mouth with his hands before that person could say anything further.
“Don’t say it!!” – Doo Joon.
“Mfhfhfhhhhfffgh...” – ???, murmured.
“Aish, Jun Hyoung-ahh. Can you just keep that a secret between us?!! The others didn’t know that.” – Doo Joon. No respond from Jun Hyoung. Slowly Doo Joon let go of his hands from Jun Hyoung mouth.
“It meant to be a secret?!!” – Jun Hyoung. Doo Joon stared at him oddly and didn’t answer his question right away. Jun Hyoung scratched his head. “I don’t know that.”
“Oh Jun Hyoung, I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.” – Doo Joon.
“But hey, I can rap.” – Jun Hyun, he laughed.
“Yes, Jun, of course. That’s why you’re with us.” – ???
“Well you’re the quiet one all of sudden speak, ehh?” – Jun Hyoung.
“Well, you guys are the ‘quiet’ one here.” – Hyun Seung, he laughed quietly.
“Wow, you just quoted ‘quiet’, Hyun.” – ???
“Somehow it’s true.” – Hyun Seung.
“Hey...where Dong Woon?” – ???
“He’s in the kitchen, Yo Seob.” – Doo Joon.
“Ehh?” – Yo Seob, quickly he ran to the kitchen.
“What’s with him?” – Jun Hyoung. The others just raised their shoulders.

Later, when Ki Kwang arrived and when he entered the hostel and the first thing he saw was a smoked came from the kitchen. He started to get panic that he stormed to the kitchen. None was there but just the smoked. Right away he opened the window to make the air comes in. He sighed in relief.

“What a relief.” – Ki Kwang, he turned around but still there’s no one. “Where are these boys?!! And I thought them were the one who wanted me to be here.” Doo Joon who that just came out from the rest room looked so pale whilst touching his stomach – when he saw Ki Kwang, he ran off towards him.
“AJ!!” – Doo Joon.
“What happened to you? Did you eat rotten food again? Doo Joon-ahh, your stomach is somehow fragile; you should stop experimenting with them, seriously.” – Ki Kwang.
“No, not really, AJ.” – Doo Joon. Ki Kwang looked around.
“Hey, Doo. Where are the others? And I thought this place would be turned upside down by them. My expectation was wrong.” – Ki Kwang.
“I was in the restroom the whole time, but before that they were being so loud. Then not long after, it just quiet all of sudden and I thought they’re eating or something.” – Doo Joon.
“Eating?!! Wait, what’s with the smoked just now? Seriously, are you guys trying to burn the hostel down for some unsatisfied reason?” – Ki Kwang.
“AJ-ahh, I seriously don’t know about that. Dong Woon was the one in the kitchen the whole time.” – Doo Joon. Ki Kwang sighed.

At the 2PM place –

In the living room being all alone whilst the others went out to buy some drinks, Hae Ji laid herself on the living room floor on top of the fuzzy rug.

“I’m bored, why are they taking so long to get that stuff? And why in the world were all of them have to tagged along?!!” – Hae Ji, she groaned. She closed her eyes and kept it closed for the whole minutes and when she opened her eyes, she jumped when Taek Yeon appeared in front of her eyes. Quickly she gets up but by accident, both of them knocked head with each others.
“Ouch...!!” – Both of them at the same time.
“What are you doing here?” – Hae Ji, rubbed her sore forehead.
“I just...well somehow told the others that I’m going home early, so here I am.” – Taek Yeon.
“Why?” – Hae Ji.
“No reason.” – Taek Yeon. Hae Ji stared at him oddly with full meaning.
“Seriously, why?” – Hae Ji.
“Okay, you got me. Because, I know you’re alone here, so I decided to head home and see you.” – Taek Yeon. Hae Ji raised her right eyebrows and glared at him sharply. “Why are you looking at me like that like someone wanted to eat me up?”
“Because oppa, you’re just so unbelievable, I couldn’t believe you’re doing this.” – Hae Ji.
“That’s because....” – Taek Yeon, he stopped. “Ahh, never mind. In what way I try too, it just doesn’t work. I wouldn’t get that chance anymore, do I?”
“What are you trying to say?” – Hae Ji.
“You know clearly what I mean.” – Taek Yeon. Hae Ji looked so dense not knowing what Taek Yeon trying to say, he sighed as he continued; “You don’t get it, don’t you? and AJ, that. And what I got before, I couldn’t get it back anymore since she has someone else she strongly love.”
“...........” – Hae Ji. All of sudden, Taek Yeon stood up.
“I don’t know what anymore. Overly jealous, that what ache in my heart – other than that, I don’t know. When I thought we could be together, there’s always an impediment between us. Us; we could never be together, can we?” Just like that he left the room and left the place.
“........I’m sorry.” – Hae Ji.


Two days later –

Somewhere in the city around afternoon, at the bridge – Hae Ji has been staring at the lake water above the bridge she standing for couple of minutes already. She looked so zone out.

“When I thought we could be together, there’s always an impediment between us. Us; we could never be together, can we?” That has been in my mind since that day. I don’t know why his words still in my head.” – Hae Ji, she thought. Then she sighed heavily. “And our engagement has never been off even so at what has been happening.” She sighed again; then slowly she turned around and facing the other way.

Jun Hyoung, who’s around saw Hae Ji near the bridge. That instant, he ran off approaching Hae Ji in such happy smile on his face.

“Hae Ji...!!” – Jun Hyoung.
“Ehh?” – Hae Ji, startled.
“Remember me?” – Jun Hyoung, he nodded whilst pointed his index finger at himself.
“’re that guy whose Doo chan friend, right?” – Hae Ji.
“Ahh, yes!! Wait, what? Doo Joon friend?” – Jun Hyoung. “You didn’t remember me?”
“Jun Hyoung.” – Hae Ji, she smiled.
“Ahh, you remembered!!” – Jun Hyoung.
“Of course I do.” – Hae Ji.
“But...what happened just now that instead you addressed me as Doo Joon friends?” – Jun Hyoung.
“Nothing, I’m just teasing you.” – Hae Ji, she paused then slowly she turned around.
“You seem...lack of cheerfulness, not like last time, you’re very joyful.” – Jun Hyoung.
“Nothing, I just thinking about something else.” – Hae Ji.
“Oh I see, well don’t think too much. Anyway...” – Jun Hyoung. “My college will be holding a prom night this Saturday; would you go with me – as my date for that prom night?”
“It’s three days from now and.....I don’t know Jun, I am not sure if I would be able going with you.” – Hae Ji.
“I understand, I don’t want to force you or anything, but please if you change your mind or anything, somehow?” – Jun Hyoung. Hae Ji didn’t respond right away and the silent stayed for 10 minutes.
“This Saturday?” – Hae Ji. Jun Hyoung nodded. She paused again and the silent continued for 2 minutes. “I don’t have any dress that suits for the prom night. Do you think I should go and buy one?” Jun Hyoung eyes became huge as he’s very happy in what he just heard.
“I don’t know anything about prom dress, I’m sorry.” – Jun Hyoung.
“No, don’t worry about it; I can do that by myself.” – Hae Ji. Jun Hyoung smile so widely then he sighed with relief.
“Ahh, I am so happy that you accepted to be my prom date.” – Jun Hyoung.
“No, its okay. There is nothing for me to do on that day and I don’t mind going to the prom with you.” – Hae Ji.

The next day –

Hae Ji went out to buy herself for the prom night which will be tomorrow at Jun Hyoung college.
The thing she has bought was shoes, hair ornaments and also a matching necklace and earrings. The only thing she hasn’t bought that’s on her list was the dress for the prom.
All day long, she has been roaming around the boutique in the city but none has impressing her and caught her eyes. Everything she saw and tried didn’t match her well. When she thought that she’s about to give up, she found one boutique that has caught her eyes fully. That second, she entered the store and try as much dresses that sells at the boutique as she can. Until the last choice that she has chosen, when she has put it on and posed in front of the camera, that second, she knew that dress is meant for her. She smiled in front of the camera and has such satisfied facial carved on her face.
Later, when she has paid for the dress, she was so happy that everything on her list was all completed already and checked off. On her way home, by accidents she bumps into Doo Joon.

“Ahh...Hae Ji, that’s a lot of shopping bag you got there.” – Doo Joon. She nodded and smiled.
“Yes, these all are for tomorrow.” – Hae Ji.
“Tomorrow?” – Doo Joon, he raised his left eyebrows and not knowing what Hae Ji meant.
“Yes, tomorrow is the prom night at Jun Hyoung college and he asked me to be his date, and I accepted. So here I am, finished with all of the things I needed.” – Hae Ji.
“Prom night at Jun Hyoung college? WAIT!! Why did he ask you and not someone else?” – Doo Joon.
“I don’t know, somehow we bumped into each other before, more like he’s the one that met me out of the blue.” – Hae Ji. She continued; “I don’t mind really, going to the prom as his date tomorrow night. I got nothing to do anyway.”
“Ahh...that boy.” – Doo Joon.
“Joon, you somehow worried. Why, Joon?” – Hae Ji. Doo Joon shake his head.
“No, it’s not a matter.” – Doo Joon.

Later that night at Ki Kwang’s place –

At the veranda, as Hae Ji stared to the sky at night with full of stars blinking its light. Then Ki Kwang came from behind and he gave a hugged from behind, as he leaned his head closer to her.

“You seem very quiet lately.” – Ki Kwang. He continued; “Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Hae Ji turned around and faced Ki Kwang. She smiled.
“Nothing oppa, I’m okay.” – Hae Ji.
“I heard from Doo Joon that Jun Hyoung asked you to be his prom date, true?” – Ki Kwang. Hae Ji nodded. “Are you alright with it? If you don’t feel like wanting to go, don’t go, baby doll.”
“No oppa, I will go. I have accepted it, and it’s not nice to back him down.” – Hae Ji. Ki Kwang smiled then he scrubbed her head until her hairs all messed up.
“Just, take care of yourself. I trust Jun and believe he will not do in losing my respect on him.” – Ki Kwang.
“Oppa, are you alright with this? The last time when this happened, Ta....” – Hae Ji, she stopped there as she covered her mouth with her hand.
“What, baby doll? What were you trying to say?” – Ki Kwang, Hae Ji still covered her mouth and shakes her head at the same time. That moment, Ki Kwang moved his hands towards Hae Ji and when he’s about to grabbed her, she ducked and ran off to the living room. “Where are you going?!!” He started to chase her off and they ended chasing each other around the house.

Few minutes later, Ki Kwan finally caught Hae Ji by the waist, he lifted her up and brought her to the room then he threw her gently to the bed. Before she can move around, Ki Kwang threw himself on her and he made her crushed.

“Oppa!! You’re heavy, get away from me. You’re squashing me to death!!” – Hae Ji, she tried to move Ki Kwang away but she failed.
“No, for me to move away from you is just impossible. Let me stay like this, I want too.” – Ki Kwang, whispered tone.
“At least oppa, don’t squash me like an ant, I’m suffocated here.” – Hae Ji. It took for a few minutes for Ki Kwang to move away from Hae Ji and when he did, he leaned closer to Hae Ji and kissed her. “Ehh....” The kissed slower getting intimate when Ki Kwang started to kiss her aggressively. He moved his hand towards Hae Ji and put it around her waist. He then pulled her closer to him and continued to kiss her again “Ehh...oppa, what are you doing?”
“Don’t you see?” – Ki Kwang, he continued in what he’s doing. Then all of sudden, he got pushed by Hae Ji.
“This is not like you!!” – Hae Ji, she got up and leaves the room just like that. Without wasting anymore time, Ki Kwang stood up and ran after Hae Ji. He grabbed her hand when he’s near to her.
“Wait...” – Ki Kwang.
“I am not going too if you acted like that.” – Hae Ji, angry tone. She pulled her hand away from Ki Kwang and walked off to the door and left Ki Kwang alone in his place.

After Hae Ji has left Ki Kwang’s place, at the time of hour as it strike 9:30 pm, roaming around the city at night, no where to head, she just continued walking and walking and didn’t stop at all until at the end of the road.
At one place, where there everything has come to an end, she struck and has to turn back around and headed back to from where she came from. Because it was dark, when she walked down the stairs, she tripped into something that she clearly couldn’t see at all and fell down and injured herself. She went blackout for awhile and when she wakened up, she founded herself lying on the floor, with injured right side of her knees – bloods flowing down her right legs and stained the ground.
Hae Ji tried to stand up, but she failed and fell back down on the ground – she can feel the pain around her knees, she couldn’t lift it up due to the broken bones on her right legs from falling off the stairs – and when she does, it pain her very much. She moved her left arms, it’s broken as well. All of sudden, she started to get dizzy and her visions started to get all blurred up and eventually she went back to blackout.
The next day when she wakened up, she founded herself lying on a bed which she’s not knowing at where she’s at. She looked around and it’s very unfamiliar places for her and when she tried to get up, she started to feel the pain again. Immediately she removed the blanket and shocked she’s to found out that her right legs as well wrapped around with a bandage. She turned around and found out her left arms got bandage all around it. She looked again and this time she’s searching for her cell phone and it’s located at the table that’s next to her. Quickly she reached her cell phone and when she’s about call her brother, someone came with a bowl of soup.

“You have awakened. How are you?” – ???

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