Park Yong Ji

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Nostalgia ;)

Sea Salt Ice-Cream

Friday 12 March 2010

{ MOD POST } Another day

{ Another day }

March 11th ---

Something happened around 8:20 am.
So it’s like this ---
When I stepped out from my room, wanted to go to the PC room, I smelt something that was very divine. I ignored that and headed to the PC room and restarting modem.
Then I couldn’t resist so I headed to the kitchen and I saw food that okasan cooked for the lunch later. :D
So I took the fork and grabbed one of em, which I mistakenly thought it was fish. When I took a bite, I realized it was prawn. ==’’’
Quickly I grabbed a plate and put it on the prawn and just laid there in the kitchen table uneaten with one bite missing – which was from me.
I do not approve of shrimp and I asked otousan why didn’t he tell me and he said he did. :S Must be my hearing that I didn’t hear him saying clearly. D:

I could not go to the net or MSN, net went poopoo.
Gomen ne , oneechan and kuma-kuma.

So, kuma-kuma and I had conversation on MSN earlier – before the net went AN!!
We’re talking about Japanese language and I told her that let’s have our Japanese language become fluent.
Both of us love like MAJOR LOVES talking in Nihon language to each others, just that IF our Japanese is much more fluent, it would be zuto-zuto kakui!!
Then kuma-kuma said, when we meet one day, we can talked in Nihon language, ain’t that wonderful?!! I know it is very much. Daisuki!!
Then after that, we mentioned about picnic which kuma-kuma way of saying it is piknick. She is so cute, I love her.
Ahh, us triplets, kuma-kuma and my love having a picnic together, isn’t that a wonderful thing? OMGD!! I SO WANT THAT VERY MUCH!!
And of course, I will make egg mayo sandwich for us all to eat. We love to nomnomnom, you know. :D

I don’t know if I have said this before or not ---
Which before, to me MSN use to be so dull that every time I log into MSN, I always checked on who’s online and when I saw none was much interesting to have conversation with, I directly logged off.
It was boredom though before – and before, before I met triplets and kuma-kuma, life is such boring being around the net (except when I go out, that’s different story – I can be with my love)
Yes, because!! Before, when I went to the net, there’s not much interesting thing to do even log into MSN.
But now, different story – it is not boring anymore when I have actually someone to talk with in MSN and I totally can be so open (well, yes, but some thing just have to kept lying low down. :D)
If I haven’t meet them, until now, it just so dotdotdot. (dotdotdot – there is no other meaning, I just put them there because I wanted too. Kekekek :P)

Anyway, I am shocked today – if it’s not for kuma-kuma, I would not know this. Once again, doomo arigatou kuma-kuma. *hugs*
Apparently, Mika – leader of the new boy group known as DGNA aka Dae Guk Nam Ah, is somehow the sixth cousin of my favorite member from 2PM; Kim Jun Su.
Before, from the start I know they are cousin; I already named DGNA Mika as my favorite.
And don’t ask me about the sixth cousin thingy, that I don’t know either.
Shocker, ehh? I know, it’s a major shocked to me as well. And both of them has very resemblance looks – pfft, of course they are. They are cousin after all. wonder, just so no wonder. I rest my case.

At the moment, I somehow worried of my panda. :’(
Byy, hope you recover fast – don’t forget the medicine.
I love you. *hugs*

Ji Yo ran off memory and before that, his left hand is not working until now. I am very sad because his left hand...from out of the blue, just like that it suddenly didn’t work when I do PS.
I don’t know why, he must be angry at me for not giving him a rest. I must have torture him lots that he don’t want me to use him up anymore.
Gomen ne Ji Yo chan, gomen ne.
I need extra memory for Ji Yo. D:
And I think I’m going to buy new mouse; yes green one like my current mouse.
Something’s wrong with my current mouse that I seriously need to buy a new one.


Added at March 12th ---

Alice in Wonderland movie IS SO WIN!!
I watched it with my love finally. OMGD, it was freaking awesome.
Oh Tim Burton, how much I idolize him – he is such genius in the movie OST as well, not just Alive In Wonderland, but the entire movie he have made. I love it very much, it’s just too awesome.
And we went to Mc Donald not long after. Too bad I couldn’t satisfy myself with Spicy Chicken Mc Deluxe. D: But at least I got to eat there and oh, we ate cheeseburger. It was so awesome. Honto wa zuto-zuto sugoi!!
Demo ne, I still wanted to satisfy myself with Spicy Chicken Mc Deluxe. :D I’m going to get it next time. Just wait, kekekeke.

I found kakui case for my baby N-DS, but I didn’t get it. I should have, maybe next time; it’s not green, but white with blue-ish color at the side. It’s okay, just too kakui, kekekeke.
And also I was surveying for that pen thingy whatsoever the name is I forgot for N-DS. And no, there is nothing wrong with the current one I have. I just, well....somehow.
That’s not just it; I even saw You’re Beautiful KDorama. I was like; OMGD!! Finally, it released here. But hella expensive – its B$33.00. That’s like half of the B$50.00 I got in my wallet which I am pretty much greedy when it comes to that little-less money too buy for my benefits. :D
I’ll get it, ONE DAY!! ONE DAY FOR SURE!! And oh, I bought Snapple Mango Madness. Honto sugoi!! I drank a little not long ago, and then I put it back into the fridge. –Chuckled–
And I didn’t buy myself cendol – I am too stuff from drinking lots of liquid, LOL. A next time, maybe.

I’m worried of my love, he’s not healthy. D:
I love you.

Anyway, I am going to make another egg mayo sandwich again today. Ho Ho. :D
What? I’m hungry!! Kekeke

The net went poopoo again, I couldn’t go to the net nor MSN. Aish, this is just ripped off!!
I don’t know what happened this time, but I am so DISAPPROVING of this!!
On the other hand, this – it will make me not to go to the forum. Well, I am hiatus from that place, so it’s somehow I’m okay with it.
It just that, I wanted to update my blog mostly, that’s why I’m kind of not fond of this, urghh!!

I’m hungry. D:
I want to eat something. Oh yes, egg mayo sandwich. Its still early, I have to wait like couple of hours more. :facewall:

My love wanted to watch Solomon Kane. Yes, the movie I have mentioned in my previous post.
I wondered what that is all about. And yes, I also wanted to watch it as well.
And oh, not just that. We are so ecstatic and very anticipating with Prince of Persia movie and Clash of The Titans.
Hell yes, this is EPIC!! OMGD!! I SO CANNOT WAIT!!

Poi poi poi~

I think I’m going to paint my nail purple. Its toilet-chan favorite’s colors.
I got green colors too, but it’s not suit very much at me. D:
I like the yellow one much better – even so I am not a big fan of yellow – more into green color. :D
I bought these three when I was in Thailand. Three nail polish for Baht $100. OMGD, ain’t that awesome?!! It’s profitable. OMGD!! I love that store.
That store is called Beauty Buffet in MBK. I love it, I want to go to Thailand and come back to that store again. Because, it sells my favorite cosmetic as well; Gino McCray.
I fell in love with it since okasan bought it for me for the first time and yes, she bought it in Thailand as well at MBK past few years ago. I forgot when – somehow around 3 years ago or was it 2 years ago? :facewall:
I love Thailand very much!! I love it, I wanted to go back there and I love Platinum Fashion Mall!! Love it lots.
I wonder when I can go back there. I remembered I was sick and few places I didn’t tag along with them were Sunday Market (I forgot the new name for this place already since it has changed), Bobay and there was one place I didn’t tag as well, but I forgot what it was. I just stayed at the hotel – it’s not much bored since I have been to that place before. I stayed at the hotel and watch KBS. Yes, it has KBS cable, ho ho. Awesome!!
I bought boots as well, flat one. It’s pretty; only cost me Baht $500. I wore it on the last day we’re at Thailand – which was the day of us returned to Brunei. I wore it from the hotel until we arrived at the airport. LOL I took it off since it my feet became sweaty (not really, just hot) and changed it to wedges (the one I wore since I arrived at Thailand on the first day). I love wedges very much and I hate flat ballet kind of shoes, it makes me feel so flat. ==’’’
Speaking of boots, I saw pretty much awesome boots at Iora yesterday at Mall Gadong – I have the hence it’s pretty much expensive.
Okay back to where I left – Oh yeah, I bought few CD’s as well and of course its Big Bang CD’s and 2PM Thailand Special edition. OMGD!! AWESOME!! The second I spotted them, I bought them all. OMGD, profitable!! I fell in love with that CD store. Oh yeah, I bought them at MBK and I bought one CD for my love as well because when I saw Lady Gaga, it reminds me of my love – he always wanted to buy it but didn’t get the chance, so I bought it for him. Yes, of course, major main point!! I know when he goes to Thailand one day; he for sure will love that country.
It has been awhile since I went to Thailand but last months on January, it fulfilled my wish. I am satisfied. I wanted to go back there again!! That place seriously is very much updated.
I bought silver bracelet too, two of them and very different style. I wore it yesterday when I went out with my love. Heh, you couldn’t find it here in Brunei – pretty much I am the only one owned it. :D I am happy, very much.
I remembered that when we went to this Siam Mall, oh wait, PARAGON!! Yes, Siam Paragon, OMGD!! The best mall ever – of course, you need lots of sum if you want to shop ‘till you drop there – hella expensive and yes, I bought clothes there too, well it’s the least thing I can buy, ehh? I love that place, seriously. And when we went there, coincidence it has festival there – family festival I presumed. And my cousin ate churos there, wah...oishii~ But I got to eat very yummy freshly baked pretzel – and no. Not on the same time, date and day. I and lil brother bought the pretzel the next day and whoah.
What a year 2010 memory, but...but, I missed my love when I was in Thailand. I wished he was there with me especially when I was sick.
On the other hand, I got to eat tom yam. OMGD!! I DRANK MANGO JUICE AND NOT JUST ANY MANGO JUICE, BUT THAILAND MANGO!! OMGD, IT WAS SO SICK!! I LOVE IT VERY MUCH!! It’s like you can taste the sweetness – because it was very much pure, totally!! OMGD!! And I chugged it until no liquid left, ROBL!!
And there was this fish dishes they ordered, OMGD!! FREAKING SPICY!! I ate a little bit and it somehow...I putted it back to the plate because I couldn’t eat it. The ginger and all of the herbs. ==’’’ you so totally can taste it. And the chicken, ho ho, very spicy and divine!! And they ordered squid too, LOL funny that they have been drooled over it since we passed through em many times, but of course they ate it at specific restaurant that we don’t have to be worried about because it’s 100% Halal (Arabic Restaurant :D)
And funny another things that okasan was like ==’’’
So it’s like this, of course every of the street (maybe, depends) has this kind of vendor where it have cricket, roaches, even maggots and whatsoever that is ready for the people to eat them – yes, there are many at Thailand. So my cousin and lil brother was like “maybe we should try them. Wanna try?” then we laughed but okasan wasn’t. Maybe they should try maggots one, I for sure will stepped few back away from them if they tried, hahaha. But they didn’t at all; name it major stomachache if theirs doesn’t approves such foods. T^T
Oh yeah, when we arrived on our first day (the first time we reached Thailand around day time where before it usually around night time), we bumped into a groups of Korean. I was like whoah, because I never met Korean in front of my eyes, just Japanese. So it was major awesome for me. Ho ho. But I know one smexay Korean girl, kekekeke. Yes, she is our smexay Livv. I love her. Eonnie once said; “Livv is awesome. Where did she come from?” Apparently she fell down from the sky to join our craziness. :D Ho ho.
I remembered when she was “normal” which always happened before one staff went to spafghh, she was like she never used CAPS before and not that insane, LOL Lily. But since I asked her to check something at the spafghh (since I don’t want the nano to found out what it means) and since that time, she just went CAPS-ly crazy and hyper. Kokokokokokokoko. Awesometastic time EVER!!

OMGD!! I just went to the kitchen just now and okasan cooking curry!! Not just any curry, but chicken curry. OMGD!! I cannot wait for lunch!! Meanwhile waiting for it, I’m going to cool down the egg. It’s boiled already. Egg mayo sandwich, here I come. bobobobobo
The aroma of curry is a killer, OMGD!! I cannot wait to eat. I ate another fried banana okasan fried earlier, wah, oishii~
But too bad I couldn’t get eonnie to taste some when she comes here, but kuma-kuma would love it. She’s bear sungie wifey. Daisuke~
Yes, she is married already and she is Mrs Hwang. :D
I wonder how they are doing; I really missed them so much. Since the net went AN poopoo, I couldn’t talk to them in MSN. I missed them.

Poopoo, which that reminds me when we stopped by the Explorer at Mall Gadong yesterday, there was this like a poo shape kind of pillow. LOL
I grabbed my love and went inside the store, OMGD!! SO MANY STUFF ANIMAL!! I WANT TO BUY THE COW STUFF ANIMAL (cow always remind me of oneechan :D – it’s her!! I have been meaning to buy cow stuff animal since before we left Thailand at the airport, when I bumped into cow stuff animal. But due to no money, I couldn’t get it. T^T)
THAT COW STUFF ANIMAL I SAW YESTERDAY, it cost B$30 ++ something. T^T
I couldn’t get it because I am saving money for something else. *sighed*
I know if okasan saw me buying new stuff animals, she would be; “You’re buying another stuff animals?” :D
I want new stuff animal so they can be friends with my stuff animals in my room. Yes, I love stuff animal very much. But don’t buy me nobuta stuff animals or inu stuff animals. Other than that, IT’S HUGABLE!! :D

Which this reminds me of my teddy Zhi Shu – it’s my favorite since otousan gave it to me when he used to worked (he’s retired already, :D and no more flying overseas for meeting), I always asked him to get me a stuff animal – teddy bear more precisely and also a chocolate and he will get it for me every time. Ahh, I love otousan very much. The best otousan ever!!
I love teddy Zhi Shu because he’s also a pillow for me to lay my head on its tummy. :D Just like my love, his tummy is a pillow to me – suteki, it’s very comfortable. I love him zuto-zuto very much!! *hugs*
I love to hug him, because he’s my panda. I love to pinch his cheeks because he’s my goldfish. I just love everything about him – flaw and flawless – everything just counted to me. My man!!
Anyway, I named my teddy “Zhi Shu” because in my favorite Taiwan drama; It Started With a Kiss; Joe Cheng who played the role as Zhi Shu – it caught my eyes because Zhi Shu personality is what I always love in every anime or drama. Zhi Shu character happened to be very cold attitude, and smart and so on. I am lazy to tell, you can check by google-ing. :D
For instant like Uchiha Sasuke in Naruto, Hyuuga Natsume in Gakuen Alice and so on (my brain couldn’t think of anymore now), yes, they are my favorite’s character in each anime. Kekekeke. I also like Gaara in Naruto, he’s too awesome. Ai~

I’m tired from writing; I am going to rest now. D:
Is zipping mouth now....
Ja mata ne ~

Now smiles, don’t keep that face frowning 24/7.
It’s not that healthy.

- Owner;

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I have a watermelon

watermelon nom-chii