Park Yong Ji

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Nostalgia ;)

Sea Salt Ice-Cream

Thursday 11 March 2010

{ MOD POST } Breakfast

{ Breakfast }

Before that, early morning I had egg mayo sandwich for breakfast, which I made it around 10:00 am. :D I don’t know if that consider as breakfast already or would that be brunch?!!
Oh well, who cares. It has been awhile I haven’t had such great sandwich. It was awesome and fabulous, PLUS I was very much starving. D:
I wanted to make some for my love again; it has been awhile I haven’t made something for him. Yes, I should. But I wonder when...?
I am also will make him some chicken croquette. Speaking of food, I’m hungry and I am kind of weak now, because somehow I woke up around 4:20 am. T^T
And yes, my lil brother is currently watching television – a match between Man U and AC Milan since 3:00 am which that made me hard to sleep – I kept on waking up, ehhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
So I asked him just now what match was that and he answered me Man U. DORK!! Of course I know that, he’s being an egg. I asked the opposite, and he answered me Man U. T^T

Anyway, I’m kind of need to sleep again now, somehow because seriously I need sleep – I kind of feeling not that good.
And yes, I need to smash myself with a brick because of my projects, WHICH that’s need to be done, SERIOUSLY!!
For HTML.p, all I need is a working form cording which my love will be giving it to me. HE MUST BRING HIS PENDRIVE LATER!! :D

On the other hand, finally!! I downloaded F.Cuz mini album No One, already!! OMGD!! Like, finally!!
What left for me to wait is 2AM Repackage. And other artist album as well and I wondered what would that be. Surprise me. :D
F.Cuz No One EP, its so-so okay. :D
Which this....I remember that I used to be a graphic designer at F.Cuz International Forum but I didn’t stayed as GD’s there because I resigned myself.
Why? Because, I couldn’t do my job there properly. D: I abandon my job as GD’s there.
But I am still at BBVIP forum. :D I’m purple there and rabid, ho ho.
It’s March and soon it will be April, which will be the forum 1st Anniversary then after that 2nd May. *wiggle eyebrows*
First gen is awesome-tastic!! Pfft I bet the cops wouldn’t know anything, ehh? So human!!

Earlier, AKP crashed. WHOAH, IT’S ABOUT TIME!!
Johnny.P is so dakhekdsajehak ehh!!
Yes, he’s the owner, but OMGD!! HE’S SO BIASED!!
Go play in the traffic will you?
AKP is biased!! Of course they don’t like artists from YGent especially.
Proves? Do I need a prove for that? I don’t think so. Hey, it’s proved already, no need to ask me. D:
But now, that site is working already, oh wouldn’t it be better if it stay crashed a bit log? MUWAHAHAHAHAHA.
Anyway, I didn’t go to that site anymore. There is like better source other than that biased site, heh.

I don’t like the pair that people couldn’t spell that “name” properly. Eonnie know what I mean.
It’s so major incest – and ehh... Euw, rubbish.
Every time someone mentions that “name”, I would be like euw and making such disgusting face.
Seriously, who love that kind? A disgrace of all disgrace, kekekeke.
I prefer G-TOP pairing; it is much-much better.
Hey, I like yaoi and no, not hentai one. That’s off limit, its ehh. ==’’’ Hentai is yuck.
Yaoi friendly yaoi is much better, LOL, right?!!

I watched 2PM Tired of Waiting video in my laptop earlier before I went to sleep.
I spazz-ed – of course not that much because it WAS late already. :D *sighed*
But before that, I watch SS501 Love Like This. OMGD!! AWESOMETASTIC!!
I remembered last year in the forum, when the teaser of Love Like This came out and I went crazy at the old sbox. I spazz-ed like there’s no tomorrow.
OMGD!! What a memory, I spazz-ed hyper-ly until I lost huge amount of energy and went tired. Yes, spazz-ing is very much tired where it taking your energy out.
What is spazz?
Answer: drhuhakhuewyeiajdkeiwuerurieuakreke
That is what it is called spazz where you randomly smashed your keypad – but don’t smash too hard or you’ll break your poor laptop into two pieces.
You don’t want that to happen, right? Seriously, no – of course if that is you are rich and has lots of laptop or PC, then well I don’t know. :D
Okay back to the topic. Yes, then one of the triplet said; “Wait until the whole MV came out, you’ll spazz so much.”
Something like that...I think, I forgot already. Ahh, I still loving Love Like This MV. It is a very remarkable music video and I love it very much.
Oh, Hyun Joong oppa. :D He’s my favorites, because leader always caught my eyes, ho ho. :D I’m just saying.
Okay, later after that, I watched Dirty Eyed Girls. And I laughed so much. What a good laughter and yes I have to control my laughing, because it’s at night.
Dirty Eyed Girls; those dork. :D They are Seul Ong, Kwon, Taek Yeon, Chan Sung and Woo Young. So win!! Awesome parody ever!! My favorite. :)

I am kind of craving for cendol. I want to eat later. I’m going to ask my love later if he can bring me to somewhere where I can eat cendol. :D
I love cendol – who doesn’t? :S I’m drooling now. D:

The sbox died again. D:
I don’t want to revive it, it somehow quiet. ==’’’
It would take forever for someone to reply it at this time of hour.
It’s 5:19 am already – 8:00 am would not be for another hours.
My tummy hurt early morning – not now, but yesterday...maybe it’s because I was hungry. :S
And lazy to PS something as well, might do later. I think I should, maybe this can make me sleep. Kokokokokoko.

Zipping mouth now.
Ja oyasumi ~

Now smiles, don’t keep that face frowning 24/7.
It’s not that healthy.

- Owner;

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