Park Yong Ji

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Nostalgia ;)

Sea Salt Ice-Cream

Saturday 13 March 2010


{ D: }

There is nothing to eat.

I am in need of something to...

nomnomnomnom ---




Teru teru bozu -てるてる坊主.
Teru teru bozu is a little traditional hand-made doll made of white paper or cloth that Japanese farmers began hanging outside of their window by a string. This amulet is supposed to have magical powers to bring good weather and to stop or prevent a rainy day. "Teru" is a Japanese verb which describes sunshine, and a "bōzu" is a Buddhist monk (compare the word bonze), or in modern slang, "bald-headed."

Teru teru bōzu became popular during the Edo period among urban dwellers, whose children would make them the day before the good weather was desired and chant "Fine-weather priest, please let the weather be good tomorrow."
Today, children make teru-teru-bōzu out of tissue paper or cotton and string and hang them from a window to wish for sunny weather, often before a school picnic day. Hanging it upside down - with its head pointing downside - acts like a prayer for rain. They are still a very common sight in Japan.
There is a famous warabe uta, or Japanese nursery rhyme, associated with teru teru bozu:

The song, written by Kyoson Asahara and composed by Shinpei Nakayama, was released in 1921. Like many nursery rhymes, this song is rumored to have a darker history than it first appears. It allegedly originated from a story of a monk who promised farmers to stop rain and bring clear weather during a prolonged period of rain which was ruining crops. When the monk failed to bring sunshine, he was executed. Many Japanese folk historians, however, believe this story and others regarding the origins of teru teru bozu may have originated from long after the tradition had become widespread, most likely in an attempt to refine the image of the doll. It is more likely that the "bōzu" in the name refers not to an actual Buddhist monk, but to the round, bald monk-like head of the doll, and "teru teru" jokingly referring to the effect of bright sunlight reflecting off a bald head.

I love these cute little white ball, ain’t they look so cute?
I’m going to make one next time because it is darn too cute.

Is zipping mouth...
Ja ~

Now smiles, don’t keep that face frowning 24/7.
It’s not that healthy.

- Owner;

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I have a watermelon

watermelon nom-chii