Park Yong Ji

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Nostalgia ;)

Sea Salt Ice-Cream

Saturday 13 March 2010

She’s Gone - One Shoot

She’s Gone - One Shoot

“Where did she gone too?” – Seung Ri.
Oh she's gone yeah (She) Oh she's gone yeah Oh (Uh) she's gone yeah ~” – Young Bae, he sang one line from G-Dragon song She’s Gone.
“What do you mean, monkey?” – Ji Yong. Seung Ri pointed at Young Bae.
“Like what Bae hyeong just sang. Where did she gone too?” – Seung Ri.
"I'm hungry, let's eat. I am starving already.” – Seung Hyun.
“Finally!! I was waiting for you lazy butt to move. We should like an hour ago.” – Dae Sung, he glared at Seung Ri.
“Lets!!” Ji Yong and Young Bae cried at the same time.
“Don't ignore me hyeongs. Ji hyeong-ahh, answer me; where did she gone too?” – Seung Ri, he kept on asking the same question to Ji Yong.
“Seung Ri-ahh, to know the answer you must surpass my heart first.” – Ji Yong, he smirked at Seung Ri.
“Ehh? But your heart has been stolen already, how should I surpass it?” – Seung Ri, being very clueless amongst the others.

Ji Yong just smiled without spoken the answer to the question Seung Ri kept on asking him.
Then one by one walked out of the room. All of sudden Seung Ri got up and ran towards them.

“Wait, don’t leave me behind. I’m coming; I’m hungry as well you know.” – Seung Ri.
Good bye good bye good bye good bye ~” – Young Bae, he sang again, from the same song.

Before they left the room for the last time, Ji Yong turned around and looked at the room. It reminds him of his memory that has never shattered since the day she left. He couldn’t be sad nor be too much happy, his feelings and emotions – from physical to mentally – it seems there’s no different. Just plain average and normal.
Flashback ran around his mind where it made him to remember the day she’s still around with him – the moment where every single time, he spent his with her. He was very much happy and by overcome everything, just everything went very smoothly.
Her – she really soothes him – he loves that mostly of all things.


Oh she's gone yeah Oh she's gone yeah Oh she's gone yeah
I love you girl I love you girl
Oh she's gone yeah Oh she's gone yeah Oh she's gone yeah
I love you girl I love you girl ~

“What is this, Ji? Ji, are you writing new lyrics again? Ji, what is that hiding between your hairs? Is that...? Ji, are you dying your hairs again? Blonde, Ji?” – Girl, she moved closer to Ji Yong.
“Oh god, you seriously asked too many question, girl.” – Ji Yong. The girl smiled.
“Well of course, who do you think I am to zip my mouth? You know me the most, Ji. You know I am bother when I saw something new within you – every time.” – Girl. She laughed lightly while Ji Yong chuckled. He turned around facing the girl whom very much focuses on a piece of paper that Ji Yong wrote the lyric on.
“Ji, what would this be about?” – Girl.
“It’s about this guy that loves this girl very much, more to his life and craziness is all about her. But to him, his love is very much a sin that he wanted that girl to go find someone perfect more than him. He’s crazy because of her. It’s something like that, just like me who is crazy about you.” – Ji Yong. He stood up all of sudden. He continued; “Look...”
“Yes, Ji?” – Girl.

Ji Yong moved his hand towards the girl arms. Gently he touched it and then he moved his hand towards her lips.

“It such a waste that I would not see this red lips anymore if you leave me.” – Ji Yong.
“Ji, if you want to kiss me, just kiss me.” – Girl. Ji Yong still gazed with interest in his eyes every time he stared at her lips.
“It’s my favorite.” – Ji Yong. He moved his head upward and looked straight to the girl eyes.
“Ji....please?” – Girl. Ji Yong slowly moved his face closer to her and planted a kiss on her lips.

The kissed started to get intimate that they fell down on the floor. Ji Yong and the girl moved around while making out but they stopped when they hit the wall. Ji Yong stopped kissing her for awhile and slowly he stood up then he walked to the door and closed it and the next thing he locked it so none could enter the room.
Ji Yong turned around and saw the girl sat down on the floor smiling at her. He smiled back at her but before he could continue what they have left, he took his clothes off and threw it to the floor. He grinned as he walked back to her. When he’s closer to her, he sat down in front of her. He leaned closer to her, kissing her neck.

End of flashback.

Ji Yong snapped back to the present. He shakes his head gently trying to erase everything that he just remembered.
He looked around and he didn’t realize that they’re already arrived at the restaurant. In such pale looked on his face, he looked around observing everything with his eyes. The others went clueless seeing him like that.

Let's go somewhere where there are no people, it's just that I want to be alone with you
Now you can't go anywhere
There's a weird rumor that a guy went all around to find someone
There's a weird rumor that a girl vanished with a scream at night a few days ago
Yeah I love you girl ~

My memories are vague; I can't remember how you look like ~” – Young Bae. He still sang the same song since they have left YG’s building.
“You like that song, don’t you hyeong?” – Seung Ri.
“I’m just singing, that’s all.” – Young Bae. Seung Ri turned around and looked at Ji Yong.
“Hyeong, where she has gone too?” – Seung Ri.
“I told you, Seung Ri, I told you already many times.” – Ji Yong.
“Okay, fine. I am not going to ask anymore.” – Seung Ri, he pouted.

Oh she's gone yeah Oh she's gone yeah Oh she's gone yeah
I love you girl I love you girl
Oh she's gone yeah Oh she's gone yeah Oh she's gone yeah
I love you girl I love you girl ~

“I wondered what really happened between us that made her left me...” – Ji Yong, he thought.


“I’m dying, Ji.” – Girl.
“Don’t joke around with me.” – Ji Yong. Tears came out from her eyes flowing down her cheeks making it all wet.
“No Ji, I am not joking with this.” – Girl. She continued as she stuttered her sentence; “I have tumor inside my brain and it’s in severe state already. Doctor said that I must take the operation today if I wanted to live but he also said the chances are limited.” Ji Yong went speechless, he nearly faint out after at what she said to him. “Ji, I don’t want to leave you.”

I tore all the smiles you showed me
I grinded all your love inside my heart ~

“I’m sorry, Ji. It couldn’t be help anymore.” – Young Bae, he patted Ji Yong shoulders.
“I think I'm pitiful, I think I'm stubborn.” – Ji Yong. He continued in such cold tone; “It's sadder that my only sin is loving you.”

Good bye good bye good bye good bye ~

“I don't want to believe that you've left so. I'm soaked into the loneliness that I can't see an end to.” – Ji Yong.

Oh she's gone yeah Oh she's gone yeah Oh she's gone yeah
I love you girl I love you girl
Oh she's gone yeah Oh she's gone yeah Oh she's gone yeah
I love you girl I love you girl ~

End of flashback.

“We should go to that club for sometimes, guys.” – Ji Yong. Everyone surprised at Ji Yong words, the looked at each others and they just shrugged their shoulders.

There's a weird rumor that a guy went all around to find someone
There's a weird rumor that a girl vanished with a scream at night a few days ago ~

Ji Yong just smiled.

She’s Gone

- Owner;
JunJ ---
March 13th of 2010.

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